Welfare Academic Essay

Provide an ABC Chart in a table format with no more than three entries

Discuss in a holistic manner and take a biopsychosocial approach (including ecological / environmental) when considering the need for a comprehensive, holistic assessment to understand the many factors that may influence the behaviour of an elderly, former refugee Chinese, gentleman diagnosed with Dementia now residing in an Australian Nursing Home – he has lived in Australia for 10 years. Apply your understanding of how a biopsychosocial model supports a person with challenging or distressed behaviour, such as; distressed, aggressive, pushing, punching, and verbally abusive. On some occasions, he throws items, but then may become quiet and withdrawn. Also discuss how distressed behaviour is a form of communication, and the role the environment plays in challenging behaviours. Additionally, explore and understand the role staff, and family play in supporting a person with challenging or distressed behaviour.



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