We can work on Your Favorite Fallacy.


Write 3 paragraphs explaining the following:

  1. Define ONE SPECIFIC informal fallacy (i.e., “ad hominem,” “slippery slope” etc.) Make sure to use a formal definition and cite the source. Cite as (author, year, page number)
  2. Explain the informal fallacy by using an example of an argument that commits that fallacy. The example of the argument should be in quotation marks. Or, provide your own example of an argument that commits the fallacy. Remember, you are USING the example to support your explanation of how the fallacy works, so explain the example briefly.
  3. Explain how the fallacy is a using faulty reasoning (i.e., explain WHY it is a bad form of reasoning). Give sufficient explanation to show your reader why that fallacy is irrational.
  4. Provide bibliography.

Reading: https://philosophy.hku.hk/think/fallacy/list.php Link : https://philosophy.hku.hk/think/fallacy/list.php
“Informal Fallacies by John Arthur.” You may also use http://www.fallacyfiles.org/ for examples of fallacies. On the left-hand side of the web page, there is an “alphabetical list of fallacies” that you can search through.

Sample Solution

The Hobbit The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien happens in a universe of unadulterated dream. This stunning new world has contrasts, just as likenesses, to our reality. This dreamland, Middle Earth has been made utilizing the two Tolkiens creative mind and subtleties of reality from our own reality. By fusing these reasonable components of our reality into the book, the writer permits the peruser to locate a consistent theme with the characters and their environmental factors. The vast majority of the contrasts between Middle Earth and the present world are found in animals and their activities that can not be found or instituted in our reality. Perhaps the best case of this in The Hobbit is the nearness of enchantment. Gandalf, the wizard, can enable the characters to out of a lot of hazardous circumstances by utilizing his otherworldly powers to hurt or annihilate their adversaries. He set Wargs ablaze while they were caught in a tree and made an electrical discharge to slaughter a considerable lot of the Goblins who had encircled the gathering in a cavern. The mysterious ring, which was a significant in helping the gathering make due in the book, permitted he who was wearing it to get imperceptible to other people. Likewise, there was a dark stream in Mirk wood that made anybody that drank out of it unexpectedly exceptionally drained and absent minded of what had simply occurred. These instances of happenings and articles found in Middle Earth are incomprehensible on the planet as we probably am aware it. A few of the animal types in the book don’t exist on Earth. Hobbits, obviously, are anecdotal characters, alongside the dwarves, mythical people, trolls, and trolls. Numerous types of creatures can vocally speak with people and dwarves in the novel, which is preposterous on our planet. Beorn, a human who can transform into different creatures at a moment, is a genuine case of this sort of fiction. The mythical beast, Smaug, is the principle foe of the fourteen fundamental characters. Winged serpents have been the detestable point of convergence of stories for a considerable length of time. Albeit the vast majority of the characters’ species a…>

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