We can work on workplace law 1500 words under Commonwealth legislation other than the Fair Work Act

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Mary is 29 and works for Crunch Ltd., a food manufacturer, as a production line worker.A Federal Award set out her pay and conditions.The pay is poor, so in an effort to ‘get ahead’ Mary has also worked part-time as a topless barmaid for several years.More recently, she has applied for promotion to the position of production line supervisor at Crunch.
Over the years, Mary has endured many tasteless remarks about her large breasts from the male workers at Crunch. A few weeks ago, on her birthday, Mary received a card from the male staff at Crunch.It pictured a nude woman serving drinks to men with their tongues hanging out.She was deeply offended and immediately told Andrew, her immediate superior, showing him the card.
He laughed at Mary, commenting that she must get a lot of similar cards.Mary then asked him to tell the male workers to apologise, and to train the men in appropriate workplace behaviour.He refused saying that he was sure the other workers hadn’t meant to offend.He added that if she could not get along with the other workers, then ‘there isn’t much future for you at Crunch’.The following day, Mary learnt that her application for promotion had been refused.
Does Mary have any basis under Commonwealth legislation other than the Fair Work Act to seek a remedy or remedies from the male staff involved, Andrew or Crunch? Would your answer be different if the conduct had not occurred during normal work hours at Crunch’s premises but after hours at the Office Christmas Party, held at a nearby hotel? Why or why not? (30 marks)
References style IRAC format.

The mark for your assignment will be determined by reference to the quality of its analysis, its clarity and organisation, and its presentation, including its freedom from distracting stylistic errors (grammatical, spelling, punctuation and typographical).Where appropriate, reference should be made to legislation, cases, texts and other commentary.The Chicago or APA style of referencing is preferred. Full case and legislation citation is expected. See the Library guide on Chicago referencing of legal materials, at http://libguides.murdoch.edu.au/Chicago/legal.
Late assignments will have 3 marks deducted per day or part thereof.Extensions for the assignment will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. If something exceptional arises that you believe requires an extension you should contact me by e-mail before the due date, attaching appropriate supporting documentation (eg a medical certificate) and a draft of your assignment to show me the work you have completed to date.Reasons which are insufficient to warrant an extension include computer failures, car failures or other transportation difficulties, work conflicts, family celebrations, and other study commitments.
Please see the UILG for further information on assignment format and submission
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