We can work on Workplace Evaluation Infographic

Identify how art benefits wellness and creativity in the community and workplace.

You just opened a small company and got your first contract to design a new product. You divided your employees up into two teams of three to see who could come up with the best new designs. You gave them a week to work. As you observed their work, you noticed how noisy it was in your open-plan space. You also noticed some arguing, and one of your best designers had to go home early with a migraine. After a week of work, you called the teams back to see what they accomplished and you were very disappointed. The designs were just not up to standard.

When you asked your workers what the problem was, they had a long list of issues with the workspace. You know you need to revamp your office if your company is going to be successful, but you need to take inventory before you can begin improvements.

Design an informational infographic to help employers evaluate their workplace environment.

Sample Solution

uashie et al. 2005). High pretreatment blood CQ concentration assists in eliminating CQ resistant strains of the parasites during drug treatment (Quashie et al. 2005). However, the scope of examining the impact of pre-hospital CQ and SDX on the resolution of malaria following treatment with antimalarials such as artemisinin based combination therapy, which is the first line of drug for the management of Pf malaria, still remains open. Keeping the above points in mind the following objectives were set for my research work: ‘ To monitor the residual antimalarial levels in malaria patients in high endemic districts in the country. ‘ To correlate the residual antimalarial levels with molecular marker of drug resistance for Chloroquine, Sulphadoxine and Pyrimethamine. ‘ To establish links between presence of residual antimalarials and therapeutic outcome, if any. Chapter II Literature review: In this chapter deal in the aspect the existing knowledge about malarial life cycles, vectors, diagnosis s, treatment , distribution, mode of action antimalarials, antimalarial drug resistance and factor affecting to drug resistance with special emphasis on irrational use of antimalarial drug and its effect in the community have been review. Review literature Malaria is a life-threatening disease and is widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions mainly around the equator. Malaria is a protozoan disease and transmitted through infected female anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria parasite is require two hosts to complete their life cycle; one is definitive host (Sexual cycle) in Anopheles mosquito and second intermediate host (Asexual cycle) in human. Haploid parasite adopts three different cellular strategies in the distinct phases of the complex life cycle. In the human, schizogony (Asexual reproduction) occurs and this schizogony is found as two types, one erythrocytic schizogony ‘ found in erythrocytes and second exo-erythrocytic schizogony ‘ found in other tissues>

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