We can work on When does persuasion become coercion?

Topic: Access to Care / Vulnerable Populations 

Access it through this link:

https://www.practicalbioethics.org/resources/case-studies (Links to an external site.) scroll down to Access to Care / Vulnerable Populations and select the case of your choice. 

You will be responsible for analyzing the case study presenting an ethical dilemma. The case review/study analysis is worth 20% toward your final grade. The analysis should be based on the chapter 12 Planetree Model. Integrate the model concepts and the College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) ethics tool kit, which includes a model adapted from the seven (7) step process of Nelson (2005) in the case study analysis. Explain each of these seven points and integrate the Planetree Model to support each of the steps in the process of conflict resolution. 

For you to get the full credit for this assignment:

Ensure to include at least five (5) relevant research (evidenced-based) articles (5-yrs from today or earlier) to support the ethical opinion-based arguments
Follow the case review rubric published in the Modules section on Canvas.
Provide a detailed ethical analysis of the original case study and moral dilemma that you will develop



Case Analysis:
In the ethical conflict between Herman’s autonomy and Dr. X’s beneficence, what advice would you offer?

Questions to consider:

1) When does persuasion become coercion?

2) When does Dr. X’s prediction of nerve dam­ age resulting from chiropractic manipulation become scientific knowledge?

3) How much information does Herman need to make his choice? Can information become excessive?

4) Are facts (information) essential for Herman’s informed choice to visit the chiropractor? Discuss the role information serves in decision-making?

5) Although Dr. Jones has an X-ray machine in his office, to Dr. X’s knowledge, he has never been certified in performing or interpreting CAT scans. Should Dr. X attempt to share this data with Dr. Jones?


that link above is for the case i want to use. 


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