We can work on What Makes a Good Leader?

Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook or from a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nurse, public health nurse, CNO, unit manager, etc.). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your own practice. Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement.

Sample Solution

The Anti-Hero Presentation Dostoevsky’s underground notes (1864/2008) are journals composed by mysterious storytellers professing to be “vindictive” and “ugly” (page 7). As the storyteller ‘s self – contempt described without anyone else – distance is self-evident, he is regularly alluded to as an underground man by pundits (Frank 1961, p. 1). In any case, this underground man is the focal character of Dostoevsky’s tale and speaks to the disruption of a common bold saint. In this regard, individuals in the storm cellar are screw-up. Since, as a legend, he challenges regular scholarly saints as well as conventional reasoning (Brombert 1999, p. Screw-ups are saints with specific attributes of reprobates and qualities of character, in any case they capitulate to the objectives and wants of the legend. Screw-ups were conceived out of writing and fantasies a great many years back, particularly in old Greek folklore. Numerous screw-ups have befuddled foundations that make them exist and experience their own inward otherworldly and profound clashes. What’s more, that influences the choice they make. Be that as it may, this additionally furnishes them with enough mental and profound development space. Here and there the intention in making the best choice is simply to make the best choice. In any case, I can remunerate them for their thought processes. This versus saint makes the best choice to increase an advantage. They view it as an arrangement. A few people make the best decision for vengeance. From the built up law, they are likewise depicted as police and lawbreakers. Wannabe is characterized as the hero of the story and comes up short on the characteristics of conventional legends, for example, vision, boldness, nobility, tirelessness, moral goodness, and unselfishness. Wannabes are frequently mediocre compared to perusers regarding insight, essentialness, and social reason, where old style saints are overwhelming. In this manner, in the specialized meaning of this word, there are relatively few instances of screw-ups in manga and films. Luckily, the Bironic legend has a place with a wide scope of classifications. What’s more, the less well – realized term is the thing that we call erroneously as an enemy of – saint. Byron legends are characterized as pleased, dreary, critical, disdainful on the temple, torment in his psyche, heartless retribution, yet profound and compelling feeling At the point when we think about the expression “wannabe”, we are thinking about the primary character of the content that shows up in numerous contemporary writing. Screw-ups are as a glaring difference to the customary saint’s picture of mental fortitude and generosity to adapt to difficulties and strife. Notwithstanding, wannabe will surrender to powers like latency, misery, and thwarted expectation. Clearly, given the idea of Krebs in this definition, he is appropriate for the job of wannabes. He was disappointed, aloof and vanquished throughout everyday life. Kindly focus on mother’s consideration and correlation with another youngster of a similar age, Charlie Simmons.>

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