We can work on What is your solution to this problem?

Please discuss for this weeks assignment what your steps would be to address this scenario:

a 78-year-old man on the medical floor continues to take his gown off after you have replaced it at least 7 times. the last time he took his gown off, he ripped out his iv and you had to start a new one.

* What is your solution to this problem?

* using the nursing process, describe how you came to this decision.

* what questions you would need to be answered to make a better decision?


For this assignment, you need to use your textbook as your reference. 

All citations should come from the textbook. It can only be your Fundamentals textbook 9th edition ONLY!(fundamental of nursing 9th edition by Patricia A. Potter)


Below is the rubric I will be using to grade. Please use this as a guide when writing your post.


Point Values

Content; Fully met  8-10 points The post is original and contributes a factual answer, a new idea and an example that adds value to the discussion as well as responding to 2 classmates. 


The entry provides answers to the question but does not provide a new idea.

Entry significantly misses a key question and does not answer the important question.

Fluency; Good grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.


APA/Word Count; Properly cited references and correct in text citations using the minimum amount of resources and 350 words or better.


Participation/Reply; Student answered instructor question and answer shows thoughtful responses linked to the experiences in the field AND connection to course material.

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