Week 6
Qualitative Research Methods
Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L. (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
o Chapter 6, “Qualitative Research” (pp. 126-145)
Lietz, C. A., & Zayas, L. E. (2010). Evaluating qualitative research for social work practitioners. Advances in Social Work, 11(2), 188-202. Retrieved
from https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/ article/viewFile/589/1790
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities drafting. [Vital Source e- reader].
o SocialWorkResearch:ProgramEvaluation
Choose Two:
o Browne, D., & Moloney, A. (2002). Contact irregular: A qualitative analysis of the impact of visiting patterns of natural parents on foster placement. Child and Family Social Work, 7, 35–45.
o Crandall,M.,Senturia,K.,Sullivan,M.,&Shiu- Thornton, S. (2005). Latina survivors of domestic violence: Understanding through qualitative analysis. Hispanic Health Care International, 3(3),179–187.
o Jackson,L.A.,Marentette,H.,&McCleave,H. (2000/2001). Teenage moms living in Nova Scotia, Canada: An exploration of influences on their decision to become a mother. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 20(1), 117–138.
o Larios,S.E.,Wright,S.,Jernstrom,A,Lebron,D.,& Sorensen, J. L. (2011). Evidence-based practices, attitudes, and beliefs in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indians and Alaska Natives: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43(4), 355–359.
o Luke,N.,&Banerjee,R.(2012).Maltreatedchildren’s social understanding and empathy: A preliminary exploration of foster carers’ perspectives. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 21(2), 237–246.
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Week 6
Qualitative Research Methods
o Shek,D.T.L.,Tang,V.M.Y.,&Han,X.Y.(2005). Evaluation of evaluation studies using qualitative methods in the social work literature (1990–2003): Evidence that constitutes a wake-up call. Research on Social Work Practice, 15(3), 180–194.
o Venkatesh,S.A.(1997).Thethree-tiermodel:How helping occurs in urban, poor communities. The Social Service Review, 71(4), 574–606.
Qualitative Research Questions
Research questions that lend themselves to a qualitative approach often address questions about how people construct meaning. In this way, qualitative research questions set the stage for open-ended, inductive inquiry.
For this Discussion, review the case study entitled, “Social Work Research: Program Evaluation.” Consider the kinds of questions that inform a qualitative approach. Think about the quantitative method described in the case study and consider methods you might use to investigate the effectiveness of a program from a qualitative perspective.
Post your explanations of the following: I will post it
What kinds of research questions lead to a qualitative approach?
If you chose to conduct quantitative research in your Week 4 proposal, how might you reframe the research question in a way that lends itself to a qualitative approach?
If you focused on a qualitative proposal in Week 4, describe the qualitative research question and explain the rationale for choosing a qualitative approach.
Be sure to explain how you might collect the data.
Consider which qualitative method (case study, grounded theory, ethnographic research, cross-sectional research, feminist research, or participatory action research) would be most suitable for answering the research question.
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Week 6
Qualitative Research Methods
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