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Resources: Ch. 8 and 9 of Management and Case Study, Ch. 8 p. 257: IDEO’s Culture Reinforces Helping Behavior

Prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi, or Microsoft® Sway® presentation supporting the following scenario relative to the IDEO case description in Ch. 8 of Management.

You have studied the organizational culture in place at IDEO and are making a presentation about this company to your company’s top management team. 

  • Describe the organizational culture at IDEO.
  • Analyze techniques used by IDEO to embed organizational culture.
  • Identify the organizational culture used by your organization/company. Make a recommendation as to whether you think the IDEO culture could be successfully implemented at your company.
  • Recommend mechanisms your company would need to employ should management decide to implement a culture change in line with the IDEO culture.

Include speaker notes for bulk of communication. Slides should contain headlines, graphics, and bullets.

Include an introduction and conclusion slide, as well as a reference slide.

Click on the Assignment Files tab to submit your presentation.

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