We can work on Web Application Security Assessment


You are the Information Security manager in a medium-sized retail organization based in Riyadh. Organizational success is based on your customers being able to purchase items securely through the company’s website. Employees habitually make purchases without following company procedures.

You have been asked to assess if there are any company vulnerabilities that may impact purchases and come up with security recommendations that may minimize any website risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.


Write a paper that includes the following:

A description of three major risks, three threats, and three vulnerabilities of web hacking concerns for any security professional.
Compare and contrast best practices you would recommend to mitigate these web application risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.
Keep in mind; your assessment is being graded based on your ability to describe current risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the retail industry in accordance with security goals. Use diagrams, where appropriate.

Sample Solution

produce for farmers, an increase in sales of produce in local grocery stores, and improved dietary intake in consumers using FINI.16 Finally, more than just efforts to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, SNAP-Ed is a federally funded program that also falls under the Farm Bill, to better implement evidence-based nutrition education and policy changes. Nutrition education is a huge facet of the dietetics profession. As a result of SNAP-Ed programs, 90% of adult participants surveyed increased nutrition knowledge, and 80% intended to adopt a healthy eating pattern.17 The Academy makes it clear that they do not support the reorganization of SNAP’s current structure. SNAP benefits all age groups, from pregnant mothers to infants, children, adults, and the older adult population by stimulating job creation and reducing the gap between nutrition education and food insecurity.Nutrition and dietetic professionals are distinctively positioned to address food disparity within the food system. Nutrition professionals can also facilitate resources, provide education, and legitimize individuals impacted by food insecurity. Specifically, nutrition professionals can help those affected by food insecurity with the ability to gain access to and connect with various programs and social services aimed at improving food and nutrition security. The Academy feels as though it is the responsibility of nutrition and dietetics professionals to provide intervention and achieve food security. Adverse effects related to food insecurity are worth fighting for now. Because of this, the Academy chose its position to stand for the original structure of SNAP and to support increased funding for nutrition assistance programs, as well as education programs that help close the gap between low-income individuals and the lack of food.18 Many reasons impact the Academy to support their decision. Literature shows that nearly 80% of the recipients of nutrition assistance programs purchase unhealthy food in order to stretch their budget for the week.15 The buying of less nutrient-dense foods, and more calorically dense foods, lead to adverse health and developmental outcomes in children, those that nutrition professionals would like to avoid. Many of these outcomes include obesity, nutrient deficiency, malnutrition, and an increased risk for chronic disease. In adults, food insecurity may lead to the risk of chronic disease, but also the risk of disability later in life, as well as physical and emotional health. Not only would efforts towards eliminating food insecurity have an impact on individual’s health outcomes, but also addressing this issue earlier on can result in major savings by eliminating healthcare costs. With all of this said, the Academy’s position to maintain the current SNAP structure and to promote more funding for>

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