We can work on Waves of Immigration

1) A description of the latest wave of mass immigration, which began in the 1960s. Discuss in detail the particular issues of stratification faced by this latest wave of immigrants, integrating our course materials.

2) A comparison of the impact of the latest wave (approximately 1960s-now) with the first wave (approximately 1820s-1920s) of immigrants in terms of: types of populations involved, causes for immigrating, and overall impact on U.S. society, drawing from our course materials.

3) Your own analysis of how you think the negative consequences of stratification could be improved in society for one particular disadvantaged group of your choosing. What are the specific actions that could be taken and in what areas of social life would the steps create positive change? In doing so, you must apply:

Two concepts (i.e. discrimination, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, etc.) from our materials and/or outside scholarly readings for this group.
Two theories (i.e. conflict theory, interactionist theory, feminist theory, critical race theory, etc.) from our materials and/or outside scholarly readings for this group.

Sample Solution

Getting down to business for an entire day isn’t interesting in the wake of working fifteen hours the day preceding! 70-80-hour work days are all around terrible in anyone’s psyche. In any case, how is it that many individuals did this during the Industrial Revolution? Is it accurate to say that it was on the grounds that they required the extra cash? Or on the other hand was it since they wanted high money related or political position. For certain individuals, these were the reasons, however for the most, it was only because of one concern. Survival! The modern unrest had started at that period, and subsequently, industrial facilities and hardware were constructed which implied that the urban areas were flourishing and in this manner numerous vagrants and a few low-salary families were looking for employments. A large portion of the employments accessible required no instruction neither did they need any physicals. Kids had consistently worked in the privately-owned company whether it was in horticultural or in a workshop because of the money related emergency. Be that as it may, tyke work significantly expanded when America advanced through the Industrial Revolution. This new progression opened an interesting open door for modest work. Kids were presently expected to work in coal mineshafts, processing plants, and material factories. These were not common employments for small kids since it required diligent work, quality, and time. Since numerous entrepreneurs requested this kind of work numerous youngsters were given something to do in outrageous conditions which left a terminal effect on the kids. From the start, it was not unexpected to observe small kids working cheerfully on the homestead with the guardians. The little youngsters will enable his dad to drain a cow, or with his farmland whiles, the youthful female will help her mom in the house to cook, and clean. This entire relational peculiarity changed when numerous vagrants chose to move to the United States looking for better chances. Between the 1890s and the 1900s, the quantity of youngsters working younger than 16 almost multiplied and a large portion of these kids working in the processing plants originated from poor and transient families. These youngsters who were conveyed to contribute monetarily to the family salary were as youthful as five years of age. All things considered, the measure of work a youngster worked a day turned out to be much more awful during this period on the grounds that numerous guardians feared falling into neediness. Manufacturing plant work for a kid comprised of 12 to 18 hours of work for every day for six days per week. Most moves would last from 7 am to 5 pm. A significant number of those kids worked for more than the 18 hours archived by the administration. Under every one of those wearisome hours brought about an installment of one dollar seven days, and a few youngsters did not get any installment whatsoever. Youngster work was a horrible issue during the Industrial Revolution. In a current society, if a kid was to work around 72 to 108 hours out of each week that tyke would get a normal of $1,170 for every one of those hours. As per the Victorian web, numerous kids who worked sixteen hours daily worked under outrageous conditions, and numerous businesses favored them since they didn’t gripe and they were loyal. Thus, they were frequently utilized since their little size enabled them to work in little spaces where grown-ups were not ready to fit. They were additionally simpler to control, less expensive and less inclined to strike back at the business. Albeit a significant number of the youngsters working in the industrial facilities needed to make additional pay to help their family, their work detrimentally affected their wellbeing. The machines and gear that the youngsters were working with were very risky. Coal mineshafts tractors and manufacturing plants all had a high risk level. Numerous lines of apparatus that got o>

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