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Memo Network Security
To: Dr. Alan Carswell (IS-365)
From: xxxxx
Date: 3/18/2017
Network Security is extremely important within a company its what keeps their data safe and
locked away in the right place, and accessible to only those who are authorized to handle it.
Additionally, it keeps the companys technological services and functions safe within their own
hands, not manipulated my malicious outsiders attempting to wreak havoc on an organization.
This memo will outline several important statistics on Network Security (specifically the causes
and damage that network breaches can create) and stress the importance of training and
diligence from any companys employees.
Network Breaches Statistics
There are a great number of manners in which companies can find their network breached,
ranging from elaborate Phishing scams designed to gain passwords and access to core functions
and data servers of companies, to hackers will ill-intent out to leak company information, or
simply partake in mischievous behavior. While many employees may believe hackers to be the
largest threat to companies – as they are mysterious and are perceived to have the power to
break into any system statistics from several sources show an alarming truth: employee error
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accounts for a massive percentage of data breach causes. Will Daugherty, a writer for Cyber
Security Trend, writes that his
study found Human error
accounted for 37% of network
breach incidents in 2015.
(Daugherty, 2016) However, it is
worth noting that while he lists
these four as separate entities,
Phishing and Malware also is
traced back to employee
negligence. Phishing scams
require employees to give out information they are not meant to, and Malware is commonly
though not always downloaded by employees who are ignorant to proper protocols or scams.
As such, simple Employee errors should instead account for a massive 62% of all breaches,
using Mr. Daughertys statistics.
Company Response
With employees making simple mistakes from ignorant downloading behaviors to other very
minor errors, it seems appropriate that a company should respond to this information by
2015 Breach Statistics
Human Error Phishing/Malware External Device Employee Theft
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proposing an employee training program to familiarize employees with the risks of Phishing
Scams and deceiving
links. Rutrell Yasin, a
writer for,
shows that only a
surprisingly low
percentage of
Executives believe that Employee knowledge is a priority and that 60% of executives
interviewed would say their employees have little to no knowledge of security risks. (Yasin,
2016) Negligence to implement Employee Training programs from both Executives and
Employees themselves cost businesses greatly, especially considering the earlier statistics of
employee error being the top cause of security breaches. Rutrell Yasin continues in his article to
state that only 45% of organizations have mandatory training, but 29% of those courses from
organizations are not mandatory. (Yasin, 2016) Additionally, many of these courses are not
comprehensive, neglecting concepts such as cloud services, mobile device security, and even
phishing attacks. (Yasin, 2016)
With Network Security being core to companies infrastructure and operations in the modern
age, it should be alarming that employees are often the cause of breaches, and more
importantly, that companies often fail to respond to these statistics. To maintain security,
Executives in Favor of Priority Other Executives
Executives Who Believe Employee Knowledge is a Priority vs Those Who Do
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Executives must not rely solely on the software and policies of the IT department, but ensure
that all employees, regardless of department, be trained in good practices and how to avoid
breaches. The information presented in this memo is only a small portion of the available
statistics regarding network breaches, but it should serve its purpose in presenting the core
dangers of employee ignorance in regards to network security. Executives must be diligent in
training their employees, for the benefit of the entire company.
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Bibliography Daugherty, W. (2016, Jan 6). Human Error Is to Blame for Most Breaches. Retrieved from Cyber Security
Yasin, R. (2016, May 24). Employee Negligence The Cause Of Many Data Breaches. Retrieved from DarkReading:—threats/employee-negligence-the-cause-of-many-data-breaches-/d/d-id/1325656
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