We can work on Video analysis

View the video Humans Need Not Apply. Answer the discussion questions below.

Discussion Questions
1.Do you think that there will not be enough jobs for humans in the future?
2.What kind of jobs do you think will be available for humans?
3.How will society be impacted if technological advances eliminate most jobs?

Part 2

New technologies enter our world every day and bring with them excitement as well as concerns. It is important to learn about new technologies and be an informed consumer in these times of rapid change.
1.Read and review a current article (published within the last 6 months). A list of suggested sources are posted below.
2.Not all articles on these sites may be acceptable for submission. Some do not specifically discuss technology and may refer to current events or other news. Please submit readings that discuss advances in technology; however, stay away from product comparisons and general news articles.
3.Complete the Summary information on the Current Article Review Form attached.

Sample Solution

Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives Jacob Rice’s “The other half lives in half of different lives”, essayist Jacob Rai uncovers the clouded side of inhabitant houses and metropolitan occupants. So as to observe the troubles experienced when numerous workers went to the United States, he visited a few unique regions in New York. His news and photographs on the circumstance of the inhabitant lodging helped make ready in the ghettos of New York. His exploration opened numerous Americans’ eyes and went to the clouded side of the lower class of the nation. Through the merger, the primary paper introduced to the Congress library by his photos at the Rice home and the New York City exhibition hall, Jacob Rice: Revealing “other half-life” comprehend the signs that the guest doesn’t evaporate to guests Give a phenomenal chance to. The brilliant period has arrived at a reformist time, and Riis’ social change brand stays in our vision of human race and neediness in metropolitan scene. The presentation committed Riis to composing articles and books, opened talks cross country, and situated it as an adaptable communicator to tenaciously supporter social change. Jacob Brice: To reveal “life of other half-life” is significant for Riis correspondence, narrative photos, drafts and distributed works, presents, freebees, scrapbook pages, booking books, monetary records, unions through family ancestry and vocation It highlights. Riis, the side mass of the presentation structure, called for activities to address his interests, for example, lodging, vagrancy, public space, migration, instruction, wrongdoing, general wellbeing and work. These unavoidable issues are as yet the focal point of numerous public discussions today. How Jacob Riis lived in the other half (1890): Although it is a genuine work, Jacob Briss photojournalism actually needs to peruse all Americans – regardless of whether migrants or not. It carries the perusers to a grimy cutting edge of society and shows them the awful consequences of the individuals who leave various foundations and feelings to them. Swissinfar’s better half Spring fragrance (1912): Eddie Mood Eaton partitions this short story into two sections as per her swissin hide ‘s name – one to meet individuals and the other grown-up It is to react to. These two areas center around the topic of how Chinese outsiders react to living in the New World and how they react to Europeans. In 1890, essayist Jacob Bliss composed a book zeroing in on youngsters in Syria, “Speaking to kids as a poor and hazardous,” How to live the other half. “In 1899, the National Charity Council , Announced that kids in the road market are comparable to asking, which could prompt ejection of female road shipper youngsters, yet the Syrians rapidly and totally coordinated into their new culture Immigrants utilized their names in English and general Christian groups, Syrians didn’t accumulate in metropolitan towns; numerous workers who were vendors day by day with Americans notwithstanding negative shaming, the original of Syrian settlers likewise confronted a sentimental generalization for their Christian beginning It was.>

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