We can work on Value Conflicts


Researching and Writing About Your Factor

The purpose of the group project is to compare and contrast the topics so keep this in mind as you’re writing. Let’s say you chose/were assigned the factor “self-esteem”; as the directions indicate, you need to include the following information:

  1. Conduct a review of each factor
  2. Accurately describe the factor
  3. Provide examples from each member’s organization (this is where you discuss the factor “in action”

I always suggest approaching the project is if you were going to give it to someone who would be learning about these factors for the first time. Assuming your reader has no knowledge of the factor, what is information is essential to include? Think about this question and then start your research and writing.

When it comes to researching your topic, we’re not talking about Wikipedia, using the dictionary to provide a definition, etc. but rather college-level research and analysis. You should get into the habit of using the online library as much as possible (and not Google!) for your academic sources: https://guides.fscj.edu/llc.

Google is an excellent place to start to get a general idea about what you’re writing about, but it’s not enough. Anyone can type a term into Google and get a basic understanding, but as students, our research requires us to go much deeper than this! If you do use the internet for your research, be sure to reflect on whether the information is from an academically reputable source: https://libguides.cmich.edu/web_research/craap. (Remember the C.R.A.A.P test? Refer to my announcement posted earlier in the course for more information.)

As you begin writing, here are some questions to think about as you’re reflecting on what you’re learning:

• What does the current research tell us about the factor?
• Has the factor changed at all and if so, how?
• What information have we learned about the factor we didn’t know at first?
• What is it about the factor we still don’t yet fully understand?
• What message do you want your reader to remember about the factor?

Finally, once you’ve reviewed your factor and accurately described the factor you selected, you can then provide examples from each other’s organizations to demonstrate how you see the factor applying in real-life situations.

Sample Solution

Streets are “flawlessness”, individuals have honorable ethics and qualities, kids have experienced similar training, the houses are totally organized along the street, and the design is actually the equivalent. The entire network has a delightful nursery. Wrongdoing It appears to be a network you need to leave. The Colby people group is a delightful network as it is loaded up with joy, structure and great good imperatives. Be that as it may, how would you become an individual from this community?There are seven fundamental components in relational correspondence. These components exist at whatever point we cooperate here and there. The quintessence of these components is that they are firmly related and progress in an occasional procedure. It is one. DeVito says that there are consistently wellsprings of data when two individuals impart. The originator is the wellspring of the message and is answerable for encoding the message and offering importance to the message (DeVito, 2013). The beneficiary of the message being gotten by the narrows is the beneficiary. Relational correspondence is a significant part of life. Notwithstanding trading data among individuals engaged with the correspondence procedure, there are other significant parts of correspondence between individuals (West, 2011). Collaboration of relational relationship assists individuals with procuring thoughts and relational abilities through the correspondence procedure (DeVito, 2009). All the more significantly, when utilizing relational correspondence, the gatherings engaged with the correspondence procedure are bound to communicate their feelings and feelings. Thusly, the use of innovation during the time spent relational correspondence is still significant and assumes a significant job in the public eye (Wood, 2010). As indicated by a review of April 2012, in the previous 30 days, about 70% of cell phone clients and 86% of cell phone clients are leading at any rate one of the accompanying exercises. Subject 9 Interpersonal relationship  What is relational correspondence? Relational correspondence  Interpersonal correspondence is the way toward imparting, conveying, and haggling between the two individuals. Relational correspondence  What is the hypothetical perspective about relational correspondence? Relational correspondence in the 1960’s  Learning, friction, balance, social judgment, response. ● Speech and social impact relational relationship From the last part of the 1960s to the mid 1970s ● Self articulation, self divulgence, relational connections, nonverbal correspondence and relationship advancement. ● Development of relational connections and relational connections Interpersonal correspondence in the mid 1970s Jonas lives in a network that is considered “great”. At the end of the day, there is no war, torment, distress, outrage. So as to accomplish this “flawlessness” his locale is viewed as destructive and “overlooks” the memory of the things that put a weight on each history on his shoulder, “collector” that was carrying on with an ideal life There was. By recording all recollections of the network, the beneficiary permits individuals to carry on with a serene life. In any case, thusly, the network likewise loses all the capacity to encounter genuine feelings, including positive sentiments. It has likewise lost its capacity to develop, change and better. Individuals have lost their rich lives for quite a while, and individuals have lost the capacity to see hues and tune in to music. Basically, individuals lose all the opportunity of personality and genuine satisfaction, however they don’t feel it. Envision a network of 2,500 km from Brisbane and 3,600 km from Canberra. We should envision this network thinking in a totally unexpected manner in comparison to we are acquainted with and loaded with living individuals. In this network of ages prior how about we envision that the youngsters were detracted from their families. They are said to never talk their primary language, they should do what they state. For this situation, they are rebuffed by savagery in view of their disappointment. This people group exists in numerous networks, this is their chronicled story>

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