We can work on UWW The Covid 19 Pandemic Social Problems and Claims Makers Presentation – Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology presentation and need support to help me learn.

Purpose: To practice your presentation using Kaltura* (the presentation recording program). The rehearsal recording will be randomly assigned to a peer reviewer who will provide feedback as part of the next step. I uploaded the feedbacks and comments. It would be good to change the topic to “Covid-19 Pandemic”. Also, if you can use Kaltura to record (the video does not need to be on). A recording while presenting for 15-20 minutes


  1. Recording of your project presentation (Due May 7)
    1. be as finalized as possible (while it does not have to be perfect, there should not be any more placeholders in your presentation. The research should be completed).
    2. feature your voice recorded over a slideshow (either PowerPoint of Google Slides).
    3. fit within the time limit.
    1. Guidelines for rehearsing your presentation:
    2. take into account the feedback you received on your Detailed Outline.
      1. prepare a script and time yourself for practice before submitting your recording for peer review. Don’t submit a recording that is 30 minutes long and make your peer reviewer do extra work.
      2. think of this as practice. Your recording and script do not need to be perfect but they do need to be complete.
      3. this presentation should be 15-20 minutes.
      4. edit your slideshow for spelling errors.

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