We can work on Utilizing the modern IT application to solve business issue

Write a specific case report on Art In Paradise 3D Museum (Bangkok).
Problem identification: With various complaint issue such as booking system, lack of information at the location, hard to find,not new experience friendly, and social feedback reply.
How can IT Application/Solutions such as Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality (AR) can be use to solve various problem at the Art In Paradise museum (Bangkok). What are its practicality and possible challenges toward its customer?

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Investigating Eating Disorders It is almost difficult to stroll past the walkways in stores without seeing features promising privileged insights to weight reduction. Our mobile phones are loaded with commercials and recordings of activity schedules. In the United States being meager has turned into a national fixation and spots unreasonable desires on what makes a female lovely. To stay aware of these desires, females become disappointed with their bodies. With body disappointment being the absolute most dominant supporter of the improvement of dietary issues, it isn’t amazing that these disarranges keep on rising (Comer, 2015). The basic dietary problems perceived by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual are anorexia nervosa (A), bulimia nervosa (BN), and voraciously consuming food issue (BED) (APA, 2013). The focal point of this paper is on the officially perceived dietary problems, anorexia and bulimia. Quickly, these disarranges are portrayed by aggravations in self-perception and strange eating designs. While the reason is slippery, the present scholars and analysts think dietary issues emerge from the cooperation of various hazard factors. The a greater amount of these elements that are available, the likelier they will build up a dietary issue. Among these variables incorporate organic, mental, and sociocultural (Rikani, 2013). Etiology Natural Factors Studies have appeared hereditary commitment to creating dietary problems (Fairburn and Harrison, 2003). Certain qualities may leave a few people increasingly powerless to the improvement of dietary problems and specialists recommend that these ailments are organically based types of extreme psychological sicknesses. This has been additionally upheld by twin and family contemplates. For each confusion the evaluated heritability runs somewhere in the range of half and 83%, consequently there is a probability of hereditary commitment to dietary problems (Treasure et al, 2003). Studies have additionally recommended job of serotonin levels since this particular synapse is significant in the guideline of eating and state of mind (Fairburn and Harrison, 2003). A few examinations have affirmed those experiencing anorexia nervosa estimated lower serotonin levels and might be an aberrant impact of dietary problems (Rikani, 2013). Mental elements Around 73% of young ladies and females have a negative self-perception, contrasted and 56% of young men and men (Comer, 2013). Body disappointment has been characterized as “discontent with some part of one’s physical appearance” (Cash, 2012) and is a hazard factor for building up a dietary issue (Stice, 2001). Moreover, it “incorporates one’s body-related self-observations and self-frames of mind, including musings, convictions, sentiments, and practices” (Cash, 2012). Research has estimated as far back to pre-adult years and how the beginning of pubescence could set the phase for their self-perception recognitions (Rikani, 2013). As indicated by Treasure, Claudina, and Zucker (2003), most dietary issues happen during immaturity. While females are progressively worried about getting in shape, their male partners are centered around the self-perception of expecting to pick up muscle. Moreover, female recognitions have been connected to negative self-perception and pre-adult young men are likelier to have positive emotions about their bodies (Ata et al, 2007). Females at last feel discontent with the shape and size of their body at such an early age when they are framing their characters. In particular, females are attempting to fit into the picture society has portrayed as the perfect excellence of a lady, subsequently they become progressively fixated on confused eating (Dittmar et al, 2009). Thusly, they can experience the ill effects of low confidence, sentiments of vulnerability, and extreme disappointment with the manner in which they look” (APA, 2013). Self-perception and body disappointment have been estimated by looking at intellectual parts, for example, negative demeanors about the body or ridiculous desires for appearance and social segments, for example, maintaining a strategic distance from apparent body investigation from others (e.g., abstaining from swimming) (Thompson et al., 1999b). Ata, Ludden, and Lally (2007) additionally discovered solid connections between dietary issues and sentiments of melancholy and low confidence. Sociocultural elements Numerous sociocultural variables like loved ones can impact the advancement of dietary issues. “Research concentrating on the specific impacts of prodding on female young people found that the individuals who are prodded about their weight, body shape, and appearance will in general display more unfortunate self-perception and are bound to abstain from food” (Ata et al., 2007). Besides, teenagers who have an association with their folks that are less strong and loaded up with struggle are bound to pick disarranged eating practices and have poor self-perception. In a study of people with dietary problems, they included family factors, for example, poor parental control, controlling guardians, poor association with parent, basic family condition as causal components with dietary problems (Salafia et al., 2015). Swarr and Richards (1996) found that teenagers who have a sound association with the two guardians are more averse to have worries about their weight. During this helpless phase of advancement, young people place a high respect to the endorsement of their companions. Bolstered proof demonstrates that those with lower peer acknowledgment and social help might be connected to negative self-perception (Ata et al., 2007). It isn’t astounding that self-perception has been a fixation in Western culture for quite a long time. The media has depicted the consistently changing idea of magnificence through promotions, internet based life, magazines, and TV, thusly molding society’s standard of excellence. Mulvey (1998) took a gander at the historical backdrop of female magnificence and the real changes in the female picture throughout the years. The secured midriff was prevalent in the 1900’s, while being level chested without bends were underscored in the 1920’s. All through the 1930’s ladies were urged by societal measures to have bends and this accentuation proceeded through the 1950’s. Pictures of full figured ladies like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor impacted the manner in which ladies needed to look (Mulvey, 1998). It was not until the finish of this decade that the slight perfect started to diminish fit as a fiddle (Rumsey). Ladies started to change their bodies through plastic medical procedure in the 1960’s to achieve society’s benchmarks. It was during this time the body type radically changed into the delineation of being incredibly slim and “innocent.” The enormous strain to be meager conveyed all through the 1970’s and the rail flimsy picture brought about an expansion in dietary issues, particularly anorexia (Mulvey, 1998). Luckily, that picture did not keep going long and ladies were publicized as being fit and lively all through the mid 90s, yet flimsy models and anorexia ended up wild again toward the finish of this decade. Unfortunately, this picture of slenderness has proceeded all through the 21st century. Pervasiveness Estimating the pervasiveness of dietary issues is intricate since endless quantities of individuals with the scatters don’t look for treatment (Treasure et al., 2010). Research proposes that the disgrace society has set on dietary problems as acting naturally inflictive may factor in to why they don’t look for assistance (Salafia et al., 2015). While dietary problems influence the two sexual orientations, the commonness among ladies and young ladies are 2 ½ occasions more noteworthy for females (NIMH, 2013). Furthermore, Wade, Keski-Rahkonen, and Hudson (2011) found that 20 million ladies and 10 million men experience the ill effects of a dietary problem sooner or later in their life. As per the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the lifetime commonness among grown-ups with dietary problems have estimated to be 0.6% for both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa for the grown-up populace. The fundamental hazard factors that have been connected to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are general factors, for example, being female, juvenile/youthful grown-up, and living in Western culture (NIMH, ). The National Institute of Mental Health reports of suicide being regular in ladies who experience the ill effects of anorexia nervosa and has the most elevated death rate around 10% among every psychological issue. As referenced before, juvenile females are at a higher danger of creating dietary problems, which were identified with low confidence, social help, and negative frames of mind of their self-perception. While the period of beginning as often as possible shows up during youngster years and youthful adulthood for the two issue, bulimia nervosa has a somewhat later time of beginning, anyway can start a similar path as anorexia nervosa (Fairburn and Harrison, 2003). An examination discovered 33% of patients who had an underlying conclusion of anorexia nervosa traversed to bulimia nervosa during 7 years of development (Eddy et al., 2008). Somewhere in the range of .3 and .9% of this populace are determined to have anorexia nervosa and .5 and 5% with bulimia nervosa (Salafia et al., 2015). Moreover, the NIMH detailed the lifetime predominance of 13-multi year olds to be 2.7% for both dietary issues. Certain callings and subcultures have a higher commonness of creating dietary issues. These incorporate callings where bodyweight is very esteemed, for example, competitors, models, entertainers, and artists. In concentrates with female competitors the commonness rate of dietary problems extended from 0% and 8%, which is higher than that of the all inclusive community. Among these competitors, 33% take part in eating practices that put them in danger for such issue, for example, regurgitating and utilizing intestinal medicines. Extra factors that expansion the hazard for this populace have been demonstrated to be the progress into the school setting and moving far from home. Social Factors/Issues Verifiably, there has been a generalization of dietary issues to impact youthful, female Caucasians, who are taught and from an upper financial class. Nonetheless, inquire about progressively demonstrates that this issue does not separate and is being accounted for in other race/ethnicities of both upper and lower c>

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