We can work on USF Marine Ecosystem Layers of Change in Salinity Density & Temperature Worksheet – Assignment Help

Welcome to your first End of Module Assessment.

For this assignment, you will bring together the important points and concepts of the Module by responding to a series of short-answer questions. If you choose to use outside sources for information, be sure to use only reliable Internet sites (.edu, .gov, .org, mbari, NatGeo, Smithsonian). You may also use scientific articles. At the end of the assignment, be sure to cite the source(s) that you used to answer the question(s).

Please submit a .docx file.

You can answer these questions. A paragraph is not necessary.

1. a. List layers of rapid changing with depth of the following: 1) salinity 2) density 3) temperature .

i. What is the name of the layer that rapidly changes in salinity with depth?

ii. What is the name of the layer that rapidly changes in density with depth?

iii. What is the name of the layer that rapidly changes in temperature with depth?

b. List the 6 most abundant ions. What ion is the most abundant ion in sea water?

c. What is the average salinity of seawater?

2. List 3 examples of how the salinity of the ocean can change (be sure to explain how–i.e., the process).

3. List the three primary lifestyles used to classify life in the ocean. Give an example of an adaptation each group uses to survive.

4. Using concepts from Module 1 (HINT: especially the M1.3 lecture), explain how energy flows through an ecosystem in Tampa Bay. What is the energy source, who uses this energy and what do they do with it, where does the energy go from here, and how much is lost through each trophic level?

5. What do you need to calculate a carbon footprint?

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