We can work on USC Strong Gender Beliefs About Women Sociology Reflection – Assignment Help

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Read the following paper: Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. 2009. “Gendered Sexuality in Young
Adulthood.” Gender & Society 23:589-616. *Reading is attached to this file*

Reading reflection should be 750+ words, typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font. It should
be well-written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. It should do everything that the question
asks. For citing, quoting, references, and so on, use the linked American Sociological Association
guidelines. Grading will be based on demonstrated knowledge of the reading, quality of writing, critical
thinking, and strength of authorship and voice.

Citations: There should be NO CITATIONS other than the reading attached. Outside resources are NOT permitted.

The reflection must answer the following four prompts FULLY:


1. In “Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood,” sociologists Laura Hamilton and Elizabeth
Armstrong discussed two strong gender beliefs that exist in U.S. culture about appropriate
behavior for women: 1) a sexual double standard; and 2) a relational imperative. What are these
beliefs, and how did they negatively affect more privileged women’s experiences in college?

2. The authors also adopted an “intersectional” approach to their topic, arguing that the gendered
experiences of hooking up may be different by social class – for “more privileged” and “less
privileged” women – where more privileged women tended to be socialized into a cultural belief
that they should follow a “self-development imperative” in college. What does this mean? Did
the hooking up culture of college harmonize (or not) with this cultural prescription? How so?

3. Hamilton and Armstrong argued that the self-development imperative is class-specific: it was a
cultural belief more strongly imparted on the more privileged women of their study. What
orientations or beliefs toward sex and relationships did the less privileged women of their study
bring with them to college? How did college culture and hookup culture harmonize (or not) with
their beliefs and experiences?

4. Forty percent of the less privileged women in this study left the college before graduating. What
do you think the college could have done to improve the experiences of these women?
Specifically, brainstorm/discuss two structures, policies, activities, programs, housing, classes,
etc. that the college could have put into place that could have improved the experiences of the
women who came from less privileged backgrounds.

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