We can work on US Waste Exporting Explained

  1. Give a summary of the article first.
  2. Provide facts and evidence for discussion.
  3. Citation and references for the data should be provided.
  4. Give a conclusion at the end that summarises some solutions or recommendations.

Sample Solution

• The political and economic interest of donors have contributed to the changing focus of foreign assistance over the years of foreign aid and has consequently distorted the development objective of aid. There is considerable evidence now that suggests that poor countries were largely affected by their historical past. As we will soon see, research has shown that foreign aid can be effective in reducing poverty and measures of human welfare as infant mortality rates, literacy and nutrition, but only when given to countries with sound economic management and effective government institutions. The genesis of this divergence will be explored. 2. Methodology The study will use a comparative analysis based on various theories with a hermeneutics philosophy approach. This approach was selected as an appropriate research strategy since the aim of this paper is to investigate theories of underdevelopment through an interpretative lens as opposed to an empirical lens. It will provide a critical exploration of development theories with the specific aim of understanding the causes of underdevelopment as well as the role of foreign aid on development and human welfare, in less developed and underdeveloped countries. It first considers popular theories that have been used to explain the root causes of underdevelopment is investigated, before describing the current approach that shifted the rhetoric of development from economic growth to human need and capabilities (Riddell, 2008). Extensive research using secondary resources will provide 3. Literature Review 3.1 The Dependency School of Thought While there is no single unified theory of dependency, there are some core propositions which underlie the analyses of most dependency theorists. Introduced by its proponents as an ex>

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