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I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

Click on the Session 1 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on classmates’ responses. Respond by making constructive responses or by raising other questions that will promote further discussion and learning by all of us.

It is best practice to post early and continually participate throughout the session. You will be graded not only for your posting, but your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the session in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (3) additional response posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT). These are minimum requirements. Be sure to follow any additional guidelines posted by the instructor.

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In-Seat Students:

Review the discussion prompt. Then prepare a list of talking points in order to be prepared for the class discussion. Please bring a printed copy to class.

Discussion Prompt: The Power of Psychology

According to Bernstein, “Psychology is the science that studies behavior and mental processes and seeks to apply that study in the service of human welfare” (2019, p. 3).

  • What are the benefits of studying human behavior?
  • What are some potential costs or dangers associated with studying psychology?
  • Of the various different subfields within psychology, which one interests you the most and why?
  • Reflect on any hesitations you have regarding studying psychology.

Student: Tamika Lindsey – 01

  • What are the benefits of studying human behavior?

The benefits of studying human behavior is being able to study different topics. Human behavior isn’t always negative, but positive psychology can also be studied (Bernstein, 2019. pg. 3). When you mention psychology some people instantly think bad human behavior or mental issues. However I learned about positive psychology after reading it, I never thought about that.

  • What are some potential costs or dangers associated with studying psychology?

Some potential dangers associated with studying psychology could be not having well supported evidence. Critical thinking plays a major part in studying psychology (Bernstein, 2019. pg. 20) I have witnessed psychologist mis-diagnose someone and give them medication for that diagnosis. The patient became very suicidal and worse than they were before. The psych hospital had multiple lawsuits.

  • Of the various different subfields within psychology, which one interests you the most and why?

While there were many to choose from and all the subfields were interesting to me, I found school pychologist to be the most interesting. Many students suffer from behavoral issues that causes academic issues. Some are because of issues with the mind, body or atmosphere. Many times its because of lack of food (hunger) or being bullied. Bullying can lead to depression and other things. I would like to study the human behavior and mind of the bullier. What makes them aggressive and full of rage all the time.

  • Reflect on any hesitations you have regarding studying psychology.

I believe the only hesitation I may have is assessing my family. I may study and see some behavior and compare it to something I have studied. I don’t want to do that at all.

Student Sheree Atkerson – 02

The Power of Psychology


Psychology is not limited to just studying personality types or mental disorders. Bernstein says that when people study psychology, they are “surprised to find themselves reading about such topics as the structure of the brain, optical illusions, effect of jet lag on athletic performance, AIDS and the immune system, and prenatal risk factors, to name just a few” (2019, p. iii). Studying human behavior can affect how doctors help the brain heal or diagnose brain damage and diseases. It can affect the future of sports or could even improve overall sickness. It also can benefit people on a personal level. Human behavior affects how we are perceived by our coworkers, bosses, and loved ones. It’s how we form relationships and how we understand ourselves better so we can grow and mature. Dangers associated with studying psychology might include crossing over ethical lines or causing the person to become emotionally exhausted, especially in someone working closely in the clinical mental health field.

The subfield that interests me the most within psychology is personality psychology. A hobby of mine is to study information processing and personality types because I find them absolutely fascinating. I’m also interested in the counseling field and I hope to link the two studies together to bring about healing and comfort in some way. The verse that keeps me going is “[God] comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (ˆThe Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2016, 2 Corinthians 1:4).

I didn’t have many hesitations regarding studying psychology, but after reading the 3 chapters in the textbook, I became worried that I may not be able to properly digest and remember terms and people and brain cell things. Biology is a huge weakness for me, but I know that it’s important to understand the whole of the psyche, including the physical makeup of the brain. I don’t plan to let the fear of my own in intelligence make me hesitant in pursuing a bachelors in applied psychology.


Bernstein, D. (2019). Essentials of Psychology (7th ed.). Cengage.

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2016). Bible Gateway.

https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/English-Standard-Version-ESV-Bible/ (Original work published 2001)

Student Jessica Isakson – 03

The Power of Psychology


What are the benefits of studying human behavior?

Personally, I believe the benefits of studying human behavior is much more than knowing a person’s personality. It is understanding the whole of a person. Bernstein stated that “philosophers have debated such psychological topics as where human knowledge comes from, the nature of mind and soul, the relationship of the mind to the body, and even the possibility of scientifically studying” (2019). Each of these studies is important and beneficial to the matter of understanding the whole person.

What are some potential costs or dangers associated with studying psychology?

“Many psychologists focus on what can go wrong in behavior and mental processes, such as psychological disorders, problems in childhood development, or stress-related illnesses” (2019). This could potentially drain on a person, always looking at the negative side. I see this as a potential cost associated with studying psychology.

Of the various different subfields within psychology, which one interests you the most and why?

The subfield within psychology that interests me the most is Cognitive Psychology. I think this one interests me the most because of its focus on memory and learning and what things could affect these.

Reflect on any hesitations you have regarding studying psychology.

It is a new concept for me. Yes, I have heard of it, of course. But I have never dug in and studied it myself. I am excited about this class and eager to learn from it after learning a little about it and how knowing some concepts of psychology could assist in my job of working with Affective Needs students.

Bernstein, D. (2019). Essentials of Psychology (7th ed). Cengage.

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