We can work on University of California Riverside Religion & Social Institutions Presentation – Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology presentation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The purpose of this project is to give you an introduction to social research. As you continue on your educational path, you will discover that no matter the discipline you pursue, you will need to understand some aspect of human behavior. Social research allows you to discover possible cause and effect relationships, within and also between the social institutions that make up our society.

Networking is a social behavior that allows individuals to collaborate and create ties that may create opportunities in the future.

Research Project Instruction

Use Chapter 3 as your guide in research techniques:

  1. Choose your topic.
  2. Pick a Social Institution.
  3. Decide how you want to research your topic

Please follow the guidelines for ASA format (Links to an external site.).

I have attached the example of how the ppt will look like which the teacher had given us along with the prompt and the chapter 3 from textbook.

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