We can work on Uniting and connecting the Americas into a unified marketplace.

The speaker is

Latin America whose specialized interest is in uniting and connecting the Americas into a unified marketplace. Towards that end, for the past many years he has focused in sectors such as news media, technology, investments, immigration and franchising.

Listen to the audio clip, then write the report:


1 page

and answer this question:

In the process of telling us about his entrepreneurial journey, Jorge described things that we can start doing today to increase our chances of success, in business and in life. Among other things, Jorge discussed the importance of morning routines. In his case: Meditation, workout, cold shower, and then organize his day. (I was surprised how similar our routines are, minus the cold shower. But I took one today!)

Your task is to describe your current morning routine, and then what would you like to do differently, based on the information Jorge shared with us.

Sample Solution

Socialism is a conviction that everybody in the public arena ought to be equivalent and offer their riches. This is the result of communism and sanctification (Laskin 45). After the Russian upset in 1917, it turned into a strong wellspring of data. As per Karl Marx, “All as per his capacity, as per his needs” these hypotheses are dispersed by Mr. Karl Marx. He accepts that putting forth himself mirrors his attempts (McLellan 1). He likewise accepts that socialism or correspondence is “the last phase of life” (Leone 1). “Network” is an undefined term in the event that it is utilized equivalently with “gathering”. People are individuals from numerous gatherings and are in this manner part of numerous networks. School is a network. The people group is a network. The city is a network. The expert is a network. The congregation is a network. Consequently, schools are a) networks, b) elements in bigger networks, and c) littler networks. That implies excessively, the network has neither rhyme nor reason. Schools examine well about their associations with the network. This demonstrates the school is unique in relation to the network. Undoubtedly, schools exist in covering networks and can go about as networks themselves. The people group is a gathering of individuals who are identified with one another and share regular qualities. Topography is neither a network, a part nor a coincidence.Countless Means of Communication: Animal Communication Individuals have been considering correspondence and language abilities of creatures other than people. Watching these animals, unmistakably they have numerous approaches to speak with one another, however a few people imagine that unpredictable human dialects ​​make them the best animals on earth. After much exploration, individuals may see that people are not unique in relation to different pieces of the animals of the world collectively. Creatures have various methods of speaking with one another. In late advancement hypothesis, language is viewed as a blend of two creature correspondences. The trade includes an importance like emblematic correspondence in creatures – representative move dialects ​​for mandrills and honey bees that target various hints of various predators. On the off chance that a honey bee has such an elevated level language, other living things are likewise conceivable. For music advanced from flying creatures and honey bees, I imagine that development is a natural capacity that is as all inclusive as eating, drinking and sexuality. Understanding the sounds in nature is significant for creatures. Notwithstanding, individuals invest so much energy has not yet explained the organic estimation of innovative craftsmanship. Maybe the unpredictability and the main impetus of creation are special. Other sound hypotheses incorporate advancing social attachment, for example, war and religion, or drawing in kids’ psyche. Broad creature transmission includes most conduct issues. Correspondence with creatures can be characterized as conduct of creatures influencing the current or future conduct of different creatures. Exploration on creature correspondence called zoological zoology (distinction between human correspondence and human correspondence) has assumed a significant job in the improvement of good, social organic and creature psychological examination. Correspondence with creatures, in certainty comprehension of the whole creature world is a quickly creating field, and even in the 21st century, huge earlier comprehension is a representative name of people, sentiments of creatures, creatures Including a few fields, for example, culture and learning use. Indeed, even sexual conduct that has been completely perceived for quite a while has changed generally. A gathering of individuals in a network with a typical point (eg history, values, steadfastness, shared objectives). In this system, network individuals are given participations (eg “comparable”) characterized by individuals’ possession dependent on outside definition measures identified with network capacities (eg as school of understudies) and individual trust for enrollment Recognition) is incorporated. Individuals with political or social issues 2 Citizenship is the way that the basic association among individuals is more prominent than that of huge families (counting relatives), and resident’s dynamic, investment, administration and It is the rule of authoritative administration. , Mechanism and Process The expression “network” is regularly used to allude to where individuals live and to all individuals living there. A people group may likewise allude to a gathering of individuals who perceive themselves as networks since encounters, histories, values, religion, culture, and so forth are shared. The chairman can consider his town a network, however in many urban areas there are a few self-characterized networks – the Italian-American people group, the gay network, the Jewish people group, the African American people group, the business network I don’t accept that all individuals from these networks have a similar view or act a similar way, yet I think there is something in the same way as different individuals from the network.>

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