Unit 13: Developing, Using, and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area

Unit 13: Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area (Education)

1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Teaching resources, e.g. supporting teaching, visual prompts or stimulation, variation and diversification of approaches, providing opportunities to develop ICT skills, more memorable, an alternative to the ‘real thing’, opportunities to engage learners actively.

Learning Resources, e.g., engage different learning styles, provide hands-on opportunities for the use of specialist tools or equipment, reinforce learning, support and motivate individual learning, and foster independent learning through extended learning.

Word count: 500

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting individual learning needs

1. why is it important to meet the individual needs of the learners?

2. What can you use to review the effectiveness of specific resources? –; through learner feedback, standardization meetings, and comments from external sources such as examiners


 Points to be considered (at least 5)

Effectiveness of specific resources, e.g. specific to knowledge content, addressing and developing required skills, matched to abilities of learners, the appropriate level of challenge, linked to desired learning outcomes, actively involving learners, supporting individual learning and study, aid to demonstration, the value of ‘real thing’, simulation when ‘real thing’ is unavailable, extending learning, use of new technologies.

Word count: 750

Task 2 (LO2) Be able to develop and use inclusive resources in your specialist area

2.1 Analyse principles of resource design

2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area

2.3 Analyse how theories, principles, and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area

Research and write a report on the following:

1. Principles of resource design

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Principles of resource design, e.g. meeting learning needs, VAK, positive contribution to consolidating learning, fit-for-purpose, links to preferred learning styles, addressing learning domains (Bloom), sufficient quality and quantity, current content, a simple measure of gobbledygook, i.e. SMOG test readability, employing Swedish Execution Time Analysis tool, i.e. SWEET analysis, cost-effective, health and safety or risk assessment requirements, user friendly.

2. Sources that inform resource development in their own specialist area

Points to be considered (at least 3 from each paragraph):

Sources to inform development, e.g. exploring existing good practices with peers and colleagues, library or study center provision, internet resources to inform specific subject or area, networking with subject specialists, and individual learners.

Formal sources, e.g. advice and guidance from awarding organizations, subject journals, online reviews, vocational sector skills bodies, industry, professional bodies, and commercial providers.

3. Theories, principles, and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in your own specialist area (link your answer to criteria 4.1 and 4.2 of your unit 3).

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Theories, principles, and models, e.g. Neuro Linguistic Programming i.e. NLP to engage different aspects of learning (Bandler & Grinder), addressing learning domains (Bloom, Romiszowski), reinforcing experiential learning cycle (Kolb), building knowledge and skills (Dale), addressing different levels of need (Maslow), development of flexible/blended resources for extended learning opportunities, virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE.

Word count: 850

Task 3  (AC2.4) Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

Give 4 examples of why and when you had to adapt resources to enable an inclusive approach in your own specialist area.

Use the following points to be considered:

Adapting resources, e.g. paper-based, e.g. adapt language to purpose, SMOG test for readability level, change of paper color, alter font type and size, use of images and white space, providing alternatives at different levels; others, e.g. allowing learners to adapt own resources, appropriate use of PowerPoint, change environment and workplace resources, modify tools or equipment; technology e.g. software, hardware, online web-based, VLE.

Word count: 700

LO3  Understand how to organize and enable access to resources

Task 5 (3.1) Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored

Identify various computer file types and the selection of most appropriate, such as PDFs, and MP3/4.

Review the two common platforms for the access, uploading, and redeveloping of learning materials

Points to be considered when (all):

Classification, e.g. clear and logical classification system for retrieval, systematic filing, and management of resources, maintaining current and archive documents, producing and maintaining appropriate catalogs.

□ Storage, e.g. suitable storage system for materials, secure environment for tools and equipment, suitable protection and storage of tapes and discs including computer floppy discs or USB devices, limited access for security, booking, or issuing system to minimize losses.

Word count: 750

Task 6 (3.2) Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals   

List and review 4 ways of sharing resources with other professionals such as network shared areas, online file sharing, VLEs, social networking, and published journals

Sharing resources, e.g. identifying common resources, creating and using of central resource bank, making catalogs of resources available to users, intranet for common-user storage, access to VLE (e.g. Moodle), networking with interested parties, a system for trading resources, interorganization loans, dissemination of good practice, offering training opportunities.

Word count: 700

Task 7 (LO4)    Understand legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Legal requirements and responsibilities, e.g. copyright legislation, plagiarism, data protection, photocopying restrictions, personal liability issues, storage of materials in line with licensing agreements, sponsorship restrictions, awareness of specific regulations related to internet materials and access, health and safety requirements, risk assessment, training for use of equipment.

Word count: 650

4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (all):

Intellectual property rights and copyright, e.g. awareness of organization and contractual obligations in relation to materials or resources produced during contracted hours, personal intellectual property rights for resources generated outside of contracted hours, restrictions on copying, acknowledgment of authorship in referencing where possible, and appropriate

Word count: 600

Task 8 (LO5) Be able to evaluate your own practice concerning the development and use of resources in your own specialist area

5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of  to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in their own specialist area

5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of resources

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources

In your self-evaluation, please add at least 5 from each paragraph:

5.1 Effectiveness of resources, e.g. SWEET analysis, fit for purpose, appropriate to subject and learners, suitable level, good visual impact, legibility of printed materials, recognizing limitations, adaptable to need, actively engaging learners, providing for flexible and extended learning opportunities, use of new and emerging technologies, encouraging independent learning, cost-effective, appropriate use of time and materials.

5.2 Strengths, e.g. confidence in using a range and variety of resources, awareness of impact, opportunities for differentiation of resource design, practical skills needed to adapt design and use to address a range of learners’ needs, embedding opportunities for use of ICT.

5.2 Areas for improvement, e.g. skills audit, subject up-dating, alternative approaches, exploring and developing new technologies, developing blended learning to allow for flexible or distance learning, identifying a range of specific learning needs to address diversity.

5.3 Opportunities to improve own skills, e.g. action planning as a result of observations and evaluation of practice, review resources available, development of intranet and virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE materials, internet research, awarding organization events, updating in an industrial or vocational area, participate in good practice groups, work shadowing, observation of more experienced colleague in the same area, observing practice in developing in different contexts, working alongside a specialist, negotiating with learners, retraining.




Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Task1. 5

1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching. 5

3.1 Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored. 6

5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of resources in own specialist area. 6

Task2. 8

Introduction. 8

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting individual learning needs. 8

2.1 Analyze principles of resource development in own specialist area. 9

2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area. 9

2.3 Analyze how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area. 10

2.4 Analyze ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area  11

Conclusion. 11

Task 3. 12

Introduction. 12

Discussion. 12

2.5 Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. 12

2.6 Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. 13

5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. 13

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources in own specialist area  14

Conclusion. 15

Task 4. 16

Introduction. 16

Discussion. 16

4.1 Review of legal requirements and use of responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources  16

4.2 Analysis of the implication of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources. 17

Conclusion. 17

Conclusion. 18

References. 19


This assignment discusses the various important aspects between teachers and learners. There are various kinds of a good teacher who values the carrier of students and supports them mentally.  Teachers’ true objective is to influence their students with the knowledge and that the students apply this information to their daily life. To improve the capability there are several methods like, regular updating awareness, use of ICT technologies, and improving or exploring knowledge in the field of own skill (Bryson, 2016).  To develop own strength, it is very important to know the strength. Strength can be identified by facing different challenges. These strengths should be improved to enhance the quality. Teachers use these resources as easy to understand by students of all skills. The study also identified the impact of intellectual property rights and copyright on the use of resources. This way the report acts as an informative source for the use of effective teaching resources


1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching.

Teaching and learning provides a great influence on the education system. Learning is a part of every day. All people learn something in every stage of life. This concept of teaching and learning is based on two parts, one is the teacher, and the other one is the student. Teaching provides the instructions and the resources of a learning purposes for the students. The main motive for learning and teaching is to provide correct information to scholars. Teachers should establish an interaction between the students. Teacher gives their experiences to direct the path of students (Race, 2014). They also help in learning new things and informatics things needed by the students. Supporting teaching means that, teacher supports their students in a very easy manner without any demands. A good teacher values the carrier of students and supports them mentally.  Teachers’ true objective is to influence their students with the knowledge and that the students apply this information to their daily life. In variation theory, the teacher first is familiar with the issues of the students and therefore uses to solve the learning. In the term of diversification approach, it uses the group of students by their athletic ability, cultural background, their reading ability, and personality.

All the different students are having their individual skills. To distinguish the skills, the concept of diversification goes on. In learning and teaching, the purpose of ICT implementation also plays an important role. ICT stands for Information Communication Technology. The knowledge of ICT is also very important for the students. In our daily life, the knowledge of digital technology or the knowledge of computer systems is very important. The gadgets like laptops, mobile phones, and online shopping all come under the ICT technology. These skills enhance the qualifications of the students. Teacher always uses to give their best knowledge to their students, which will help them not only in their job purpose but also help them in their general life.  Learning styles are of different kinds. Some of them are reinforcing learning, supporting and motivating learning (Whitton et al., 2016). These learning styles will also improve the skills of the students and helps to differentiate between the good and bad things in regular life. Therefore, the purpose of learning and teaching is very good and has a great impact on student’s life.

3.1 Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored.

Resources can be classified in different ways like logical classification system for retrieval, systematic filling, and management of resources, maintaining current and archive documents, Suitable storage system for materials, good and secure environment for tools etc.  To store the resources these methods are used.  The logical classification system for retrieval is explained as the papers or the collections, which are represented through a set of indexes or keywords (Ozkan, Iphar and Konuk, 2017). These keywords may be extracted directly from the paper or might represent any subject.  These forms of keywords are derived directly and provide a logical classification of papers.  There are also different kinds of resource recording formats. In the case of systematic filling of management, the resources like documents records of the system, and email is used to be stored in the filling of the management of resources.

Maintaining current and archive documents comes under the ways of resource distribution.  To store the resources, an appropriate and suitable storage system is necessary to store materials. A secure and proper environment for tools and equipment, and suitable proper protection of resources with the help of floppy discs, USB devices is helpful in this regard. It also includes the booking or issuing the systems to minimize losses. There are some more functions for the storage of resources is dictionaries, seminars, coursework etc. However, there are some recourses also whose security purpose is not very strong.  To store the resources in privately there are more devices. To strengthen resource storage an initiative should be taken, which makes the issue reliable (McLeskey, Rosenberg and Westling, 2017). 

5.2 Identify your own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to the development and use of resources in own specialist area.

In the learning and teaching area, individual strength is very essential to improve confidence and skills in own specialist area. Strength means the self-confidence of a person by using various different kinds of resources.   Strength gives a good and productive impact on people’s life. It generates great opportunities for different resources and designs for success. Identifying own strengths means that to choose the skills or understanding the quality of own. To improve the capability there are several methods like, regular updating awareness, use of ICT technologies, and improving or exploring knowledge in the field of own skill (DeKeyser, 2018).  To develop own strength, it is very important to know the strength. Strength can be identified by facing different challenges. These strengths should be improved to enhance the quality. Development in a self-specialist area increases the experience and increases the assurance to do the required work. Strength is can be identified as confidence in using a range and kinds of resources. The effect of awareness also comes under the identification of the strength.  There are various kinds of areas for the improvement of self-strength.  These areas are classified as skills of audit, updating of knowledge, and extra development of self-confidence.



This particular section of the project focuses on understanding various resources in the specialist area along with meeting individual learning needs. Further, several resource principles along with resource development have been included in this section. The role of models, theories, and principles in resource development has been introduced as well. On the other hand, sharing resources and adaptation of an inclusive approach is learning is added here.

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from one’s own specialist area in meeting individual learning needs

In the case of learning and teaching, teachers use to identify students and categorize them into different sections based on their skills. It is the teacher’s responsibility to identify a student’s skills and enhance them for a better result in the future. The individual learning of students according to their skills motivates the students and develops their qualities (Reece and Walker, 2016).  This kind of system identifies each weakness of every student and helps him or her to improve him or her for his or her bright future. Teachers use many different kinds of methods and use these methods to enhance the features of the student. A learning environment is very necessary to learn new things and therefore, teachers use it to make a learning environment for better results. There are various resources needed for the improvement of the learning environment like, learning materials, books, white and blackboards, and computers (Gillies, 2014).

Resources attract the students and most importantly, the quality of the teaching attracts the students for learning. PowerPoint is also a great means of attraction in the learning field. A good strategy is effective in creating a good and successful learning method.  To improve the effectiveness the specific knowledge of content is very important. A suitable level of challenge also comes under effective learning. The concept of individual learning is very useful.  This strategy makes the student free of pressure and enjoy learning as per their interest. In this method teacher can easily identify the troubles and solve them. To effective learning, this concept is very superior and effective (Simonson, Smaldino and Zvacek, 2014).

2.1 Analyze principles of resource development in your own specialist area

Resource development also comes under the teaching sector. An instructor should also play a task of resources developer.  The main principle of resource development is to analyze and develop the resource to satisfy the queries of students. Any specialized teacher used their skill by developing resources for the fulfillment of the student’s learning activities. The responsibility of resource developer enhances the capabilities of the teachers and students get more attracted towards learning. There are various different kinds of principles, which is used in the resource development are- meeting learning needs, positive contribution to merge education, healthy for reasons, enough quality etc. The resource development in its own specialist area is not very hard and creates interest in the students. Resources should be updated regularly for better results. Teacher use these resource development tasks in their own field to create a good and improved learning (Mesoudi et al., 2016).

It is identifies that the students having high-quality of teaching resources have high skills than the other students. Only theory is not enough to understand, however, practical knowledge with good resources are good. It is very important for the teachers to give their full efforts and utilize their skills for creating a good and better environment. Individual learning concept is a good and positive concept in the field of learning and education. The advantage of this concept is that the students will get a good and effect knowledge with high potential. Students with not having this quality is not that much good as compare to the high potential student. Teachers use different kinds of term for highlighting the concept of effective learning. Resource development is also change as per the need of the students (Zhao and Chan, 2014). Teacher use this resources as easy to understand by the students of all skills. Therefore, it is also very important for the improvement of the low skilled students. Therefore, this concept of resource development is effective.

2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area

To evaluate the resource of development in own specialist area, there are many resources. To enhance the skills of own specialist area library is a good option. To explore the self-quality it is necessary to practice own skills in regular basis. Now days a high uses of the ICT technology are used. Therefore, internet is one of the major platform for the developing the resources. In the case of resource development, internet networking plays an important role for the enhancement resource development (Hannafin et al., 2014). These are the inform sources of development. However, the formal sources are also give their positive and negative effects on the resource development. Methods comes under formal source development is outside advice and guidance from others, online reviews of others, the professional bodies with commercial provider. To examine or to evaluate the inform resources of development, teachers use to practice their skills on regular basis. It is very important for the tutor to analyze and understand the strengths and weaknesses of every student. The development of resources develop the strengths of the students and their individual skills. Students always want motivations. Further, teachers use to motivate students or learners on regular basis to improve their potentials. Internet technology plays an important role in this concept and evaluate the development of the resources. All the necessary resources are available in the internet. This recognizes as a great resource of queries and their answers. Teacher use various kinds of process like animations, power point and other measures, which creates and generates a good environment for learning. Animation creates an attraction and learners show more interest in learning (Sessa and London, 2015).

2.3 Analyze how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area

There are some theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum designs that are may be used to develop the inform resource development. NPL Neuro Linguistic Programming, and the addressing learning domains are the good examples of the principles of inform resource development. The reinforcing experimental learning cycle, and the building knowledge and skills are the different theories related to the inform resource development. The inform resource development in own specialist area means that the development of self-skill. Teachers use to improve their skill regularly and hence, they improve the potential of the learners. Addressing or identifying different kinds of need of a student for student satisfaction (Akiba and Liang, 2016). Students always want to learn new things and therefore, teachers develop the flexible resources. Flexible resource means that the resource, which is not rigid and can be changed as per learners needs. This concept of flexible resource increase the learning opportunities. This principle of inform resource development develop the virtual learning development. This means that, the temporary learning environment. Virtual learning environment means that the learning is variable in nature and can be change as the demands of the learner changes. This feature of inform resource development enhance the self-skills and improve the qualities of the students.

2.4 Analyze ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

There are many ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area.  To increase the quality of teacher specialist area, teacher use different kinds of approaches for the improvement of their sills. The paper-based or the technical based features are there for the improvement. The change in environment and the use of power point, and resources, the use of images and white space, makes it interesting and thus, these resources enable the improvement of teacher’s specialist area. The change in the color of paper, the change in the style and the change in the style of teaching makes the learning more effective and more intellectual. Providing alternatives at different levels allows to learn to adapt own resources. Teacher use this appropriate PowerPoint for attract the learners. The change in environment creates the workplace more attracting and modifying tools increase the influences. The technology and the software or the hardware, is also used for this purpose (Illeris, 2018).


Based on the above section it can be understood that high quality learning significantly depends on the management of resources and its allocation. It can be understood that making the most of the available resources will enhance the quality of both teaching an learning as well.

Task 3


The study will discuss various aspects of using learning tools and application. The learning tools and application helps to grasp the subjects effectively. In this context, the study will assess the effectiveness and opportunities of using these applications effectively to enhance the outcome of learning. It will also deliver planning for designing and employing the resources to meet the needs of the students. In the end, the study will be concluded by providing a brief summary.


2.5 Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

To facilitate better education of students, following tools are resources have been identified. The required tools and resources for the educational project have been discussed as below.

Lecture Notes: This resource will help to providetextual information of the subjects to the students (Lindshield and Adhikari, 2013). Thus, it will help to enhance the theoretical knowledge of the students about the subject. This way a constructive study method will be operated.

Slides: The power point slides will help to make the learning more interesting. The pictorial diagram and just notes presented on the slide will help the teacher to effectively describe any subject matter (Bastian et al., 2013). The students will also be able to remember the key points presented in the slides effectively. This way it will help to develop better learning outcome.

Mobile Application: Use of study application available from app store will facilitate the college to engage the students in various interactive sessions within and after the class (Janhonen et al., 2016). This way the students will be able to enhance its degree of interaction with the help of the mobile application.

Projector: The projector will facilitate to educate large number of students effectively. With the help of projector, the teacher can show the operations carried on in the computer (Janhonen et al., 2016). Thus, the teacher can play video files to provide more enhanced teaching experience to the students of the class.

2.6 Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

The above-mentioned resources help to meet and engage the individual needs of the students. The degree to which the above-mentioned resources become successful to engage and meet the individual need of the students has been discussed as below.

Lecture Notes: The lecture note helps to keep track of learning process effectively. The student’s notes key points of information taught by the teachers (Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). This act as a key reference to conducts study later at students own convenience. This helps to understand the subject better.

Slides: The students are provided with the access to the slides after the end of class. The pictorial forms of the slides helps the students to become more attentive within the class (Tuomi, 2013). This way they do not feel bore are concentrate in the learning process.

Mobile Application: The study trough mobile application becomes learning highly interesting and interactive (Shariff et al., 2016). The students become motivated to learn after the class by accessing the mobile application. They can also access required notes wherever they require with the use of mobile application.

Projector: The projectors helps to see the information present in the computer. These way students of a large classroom access the materials simultaneously (Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). This way they become able to discuss on a topic with the other peer students. This way they access effective learning solution.

5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

The above-mentioned resources help to engage the students effectively in the interactive learning process. In this context, the degree to which the above-mentioned resources engage students in the learning process has been discussed as below.

Lecture notes: The lecture notes fail to generate high degree of engagement of students. This facilitates to ensure effective one-way communication (Tuomi, 2013). However, teachers can encourage student to become more interactive in the class to ensure optimum value from taking lecture notes in the class.

Slides:  With the help of slides, the teacher can deliver large information within a small span of time. The speaker notes associated with the slides helps to access necessary theoretical information based on which the slides were designed (Shariff et al., 2016).  Thus, it successfully meet the demand of students to access the required information. The bullets points mentioned in the slides help the students to memorize the content of education effectively.

Mobile application: The information provided in the mobile application of the college will help the student to study key notes even after the classes (Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). The interactive nature of mobile application will facilitate to ensure better group study. This will make the learning highly interesting. Thus, it will result high degree of engagement of students.

Projector: The projector will help to make understand critical topics easily within the classroom. The large number of students will be able to see and visualize the information related to the topic (Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). This will enhance their participation in the teaching and learning process. This way the optimum value of learning will be achieved.

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources in own specialist area

The planning of opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources in own specialized area have been discussed as below.

Lecture notes: During the task of taking lecture notes in the class, the students will be  asked various questions to assess their ability to grasp the information provided (Tuomi, 2013). This will enhance the quality of the learning effectively.

Slides: The slide secessions will be best administered by providing the access to the slides before studying on the subject (Shariff et al., 2016). This will help the students to enhance their presence in the class. Thus, it will help to achieve better learning outcome.

Mobile application: The version of mobile application will be periodically updated. This will help to ensure better outcome from the learning through mobile application(Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). The college will make accessing to the mobile application at a free of cost. Thus, it will motivate the students to access the application effectively.

Projector:  The use of projector in the learning process will be enhanced by playing audio and video files for teaching a subject. This will enhance the quality of teaching (Hills, 2017).


The study discussed the designing of four key educational resources such as lecture notes, slides, mobile application and projector. The degree of employability of the four resources also has been discussed in this study. The analysis of effectiveness of these resources to meet learning needs of students identified that lecture notes is least effective among all the learning tools employed. In that context, the study also provided various opportunities to enhance the scope of the four teaching tools.

Task 4


The study will discuss various aspects of developing technical and educational resources. These legal aspects ensure better management of the operations of technological resources. Thus, it generates better value for accessing those resources effectively.  In this context, the study will discuss legal requirements and use of responsibilities in developing and using resources. The analysis of copyright and intellectual property right for the use and operations of the resources will also be discussed in this study. In the end, the study will be concluded by providing a brief summary.


4.1 Review of legal requirements and use of responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

There are various legal requirements are necessary for development and use of technical resources of studying. These legal requirements are discussed as below.

Copyright:  The copyright reduces the risk of counterfeiting the data provided in a book or study material(Shariff et al., 2016). In that context, it is legalized that students and teachers explicitly mention the name of author when any information is taken for describing to the students.

Plagiarism: The identification of plagiarism reduces the degree of illegal copying of the materials provided by other students (Tuomi, 2013). If the teacher finds the plagiarized content, the teacher is authorized to cancel the project. This way the institution reduces the habit of copying any content illegally.

Training for the use of equipments: The teachers and students of the institution are required to be provided with effective training and development support for effective use of the technology (Muñoz-Merino et al., 2015). This will help to reduce the technical issues encountered within the class and the teacher and student will be able to ensure better outcome from using the resources

4.2 Analysis of the implication of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources

The teachers and students of the institution must be provided with effective information for the use and development of information, which has intellectual property rights and copyright. The students must be encouraged to not using the information delivered by the teachersto any outside group. Since based on the employability contract the information provided within the class hour is solely the property of the institution (Shariff et al., 2016). However, information provided beyond the contracted hour is not the product of the institutions. Then copyright laws also imply that the students follow effective method of referencing while developing any content. This will help to maintain the authenticity of the information taken. This will help to generate effective study resource


The study discussed three key legal norms for using the resources. These three legal norms are copyright, plagiarism and training for the use of resources. These legal norms ensure that the teachers and students practice no counterfeiting of information. The study also identified the impact of intellectual property rights and copyright for the use of resources. This way the report acts as an informative source for the use of effective teaching resource


The report also discussed about various use and implication of four key educational resources such as lecture notes, slides, mobile applications, and projectors. In the context of this discussion, the study also identified the use and implication of legal norms such as copyright and intellectual property rights for accessing educational resources.


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