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Week 6 Discussion

Based on your readings and resources for this week, identify one type of nontraditional family. Discuss the issues that may be encountered by raising children in this type of family structure and identify what the research says about outcomes for children growing up in this type of home. In addition to your weekly learning resources, find at least one recent scholarly article that provides you with some insight into the non-traditional family of interest.

An excellent response will be 2-3 paragraphs in length, well-written, and include in-text citations and a reference list.

Week 7 Discussion

Based on your weekly readings from the course and any other credible sources that you find, answer the following question:

Are modern parents doing a good job of raising their children?

This is a much trickier question that it seems at first glance. In order to respond, you need to ask yourself two crucial questions. First, what does it mean to be a “modern” parent – what are the challenges that modern parents face that make parenting especially hard in the 21st century? Second, you need to define what “good parenting” is. What is the metric we use to define success as parents?

The responses to this question are likely to be quite diverse, but that’s okay. An excellent response will address the two crucial questions, which lead to an answer that is supported by credible evidence (i.e. citations).

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