We can work on Ultimate guide to bonds

Why do interest rates affect bonds?
Do you think bonds are a good investment in the current economy?
What types of bonds would you buy?

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about experiences or give support to the action supporter. The problem occurs at the last step of the action process whereby the action supporter is supporting the action fundraiser. After the email, there is no interaction between War Child and the supporter. To address the problem, there needs to be a strategy. The company needs more focus towards customers and customer satisfaction. Implementing a new strategy that is focussing on customers, value and satisfaction will help the company grow. The strategy needs to focus on the customer, not on the product. So, that means that the organization needs to search for a suitable approach how to handle and how to maintain action supporters. The company needs a CRM strategy or a concept marketing strategy which is defined earlier in chapter one. After much deliberation, a suitable approach will be found. Using the approach will help to get in touch with the supporters and this will be the fourth header at the conceptual model. After that conversion is needed to attract potential Friends at the website. Conversion can be described as the completing of any kind of support to War Child, online at the website. Understanding the activities customers do online will give a bigger picture how to improve the engagement between War Child and the supporters. (Patel, 2018) After implementing the element of the conceptual model, the company can focus on improvement and this will lead to charitable giving. War Child is dependent on charitable donations. If there are no charitable donations, War Child cannot live on. So, it is very important for War Child to retain their Friends. The next and crucial deed is retention. This can be done using the stages and types of loyalty. Charitable giving can be measured by loyalty, lifetime value and positive word of mouth. Increased loyalty can give benefits to more respects of the company. (Griffin, 2010)>

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