We can work on UCLA Strengths and Weaknesses of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Short Essay – Assignment Help

I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

What do you see as the main strengths and weakness of Evidence Based Practice (as opposed to specific Evidence Based Therapies).

Write a short essay on the prompt above. The paper should be typed/word-processed with font size 12, double spaced, and 1-inch margins. It should be between three and five pages long, not including a cover page. The paper should be submitted in Standard English following APA guidelines, error free in sentence construction, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It should include appropriate citations and references for both course texts and outside sources. Include at least one outside source. Outside sources need to be serious and academic in nature, not Wikipedia or a website about a topic. Please remember, these essays are like very short term papers. They are academic in nature, not personal opinion essays. All assertions (psychotherapy works great!) need an academic source of support (who says it works great?).

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