We can work on U.S. Actions and Effects related to the U.S. War

Discuss U.S. Actions and Effects related to the U.S. War on Drugs on both current and future illegal drug trends.

Extrapolate past and current efforts of the U.S. (via the War on Drugs) with current and future illegal drug trends (e.g., usage, availability, etc)

Sample Solution

r is 2019, where everything has been flipped by a switch as if this speech literally meant nothing. Washington is preaching staying together with one another as a democratic community, but it seems like that has not been done at all. The staff at NPR went into depth discussing today’s situations that are going on and respond by saying, “He came up with a series of warnings that are remarkably prescient, prophetic to us today: hyper-partisanship, excessive debt, foreign wars, particularly — and this is almost eerie with the debate we’re having over Russian hacking today — the danger of foreign influence in our politics as a way of subverting sovereignty. The staff literally states that everything that he warned the nation to not do, they actually did it. Arthur Milikh goes into depth by explaining by how Washington wanted to see a nation grow and stay as beautiful as he is leaving it, but sadly that was not the case. He explains, “Washington foresaw that America would become “at no distant period, a great nation.” This would occur partly because North and South, East, and West would eventually become more homogenous on account of internal commerce, and because American commerce would spread throughout the globe. He also saw clearly that other nations would imitate and even adopt America’s constitutional order — if America proved that political liberty could coexist with order and unity” (Milikh). Milikh wants as the nation to be as good as Washington left it, but even he noticed that it is slowly deteriorating into a nation that is losing its “fresh air”. In this day and age, there are many different political parties that are trying to rip each other apart because they all claim so many things to make them “the best”. Washington is trying to preserve the true American heritage that they fought for because that is the only way politicians and the people can feel safe at once for all. The basic sense of if everyone is not together, then the different political parties will start to keep fighting even more. Unity is crucial to anything that needs to grow. For anything to happen negatively, there has to be a base from where it actually started. From there, a whole chain reaction of bad things after that >

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