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Title: Healthcare (Weight loss & Nutrition)
Business-to-Business Marketing and Marketing Channels
Getting Your Product into the Hands of Consumers
It is time to determine how to make your product or service available to the consumer. Using your readings and at least one article from the Online Library’s full-text databases (writer, I’ve provided this for you.  Article is called: Looking beyond the Horizon: How to Approach the Customers’ Customers in Business-to-Business Markets) develop a distribution system.
Channel Levels
Select either direct versus indirect distribution and then write about the pros and cons of both methods. (Writer Research support is required)
Needs of Target Market
Analyze your target market’s needs (writer target market is Weight loss and Fitness Customers). Explain what you know about your target market and what they want from a channel of distribution. (Writer Research support is required)

Digital Commerce
Is your product/service (Weight loss & Nutrition) conducive to digital distribution?  Writer, please search a competitive product or service to see if it has a strong digital presence. Or you can engage in general research about going digital. (Writer Research support is required)

Writer, please be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.  Please use APA citations (2-3 sentence introduction, body, 2-3 sentence conclusion)

Writer please cite these articles in the Essay.  I will provide PDFs for the articles that are not easily accessible via the Internet.  For the others please use the link provided or cut and past the link into your browser. 

1.    Looking beyond the Horizon: How to Approach the Customers’ Customers in Business-to-Business Markets (writer I will provide this)
2.    Introducing Marketing. Retrieved from https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/BookDetail.aspx?bookId=388  (writer I will provide this).  Read the following chapters: 
a.    3. Marketing research: An aid to decision making.   
b.    4. Understanding buyer behavior
c.    10. Channel concepts: Distributing the product
Short Video Lectures (Writer please choose 2 items below to review and Reference for this essay)
3.    Why Market Research is Important
4.    1.2 The History of Marketing Research
5.    The importance of studying consumer behavior
6.    Millennials: Changing Consumer Behavior: Goldman Sachs’ Lindsay Drucker Mann
7.    Gen-Z Matters More than Millennials: Goldman Sachs’ Christopher Wolf
8.    The Marketing Mix – Product distribution
9.    Distribution Channels

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