We can work on Tips to Write Dissertation Conclusion

How to Write Dissertation Conclusion

After completing your dissertation till the results and discussion parts, you get worried about your dissertation conclusion. Dissertation conclusion is the last section of your dissertation where you offer conclusions and recommendations based on your whole research and discussion. Many students get confused in writing their conclusions. The reason is that most of the students intermix the introduction of the dissertation with conclusion. But the fact is that conclusion is more important than introduction. You have to conclude something specific from your overall research. This blog is focused on details about how to write the dissertation conclusion chapter and how to write a good dissertation conclusion. If you still find any difficulty in write this important chapter of your dissertation then you may get help from our most reliable dissertation writing services.


In this section, you can write a thankful note for those people who contributed in completion of your dissertation. For this purpose, visit your department library and read out the acknowledgment section of the past students dissertations. There from you will come to know what type of help is acknowledged. 

Title page of the Dissertation                                                               

Almost every university provides guidelines to the students for writing the title page of the conclusion. University will give you a format for writing the title page. This title page is usually submitted separately for blind marking. The title page generally consist of:

Title of your dissertation
Your name
Your course
Your supervisor name
Date of submission

This is a general rule of writing a dissertation conclusion.

Table of Content

You have to write the contents of your dissertation. In writing a content table, you have to take care of page numbers and sections. Everything will be consecutively numbered after one and other. The table of contents should tell the reader what your dissertation actually consist of.

Dissertation Abstract 

Abstract is a summary of your all findings. It is considered as a separate story of your dissertation. It acts as both, a section of your dissertation and a separate assignment. Here you have to write an overall view of what you have found in your complete research. So try to write this section very carefully. You can also write here the methodology you have used in your research whether it was qualitative or quantitative.

Dissertation Findings

Here you have to write the specific findings of your research work. Write here what you have researched and what are the results of this research. Finding section consists of specific results that totally agreed with your dissertation body.

Find Academic Sources Online 

You can get help from your professor in writing the conclusion. But there are more different sources of research such as internet, journal articles, books, and novels. You can use these sources for getting the data.


Reference list

After writing all of this, now you have to provide the references of your dissertation material. This is very important step. You have to cite all the references of your data correctly. Try to find as much references as you can to prove your work original. Otherwise you will be considered guilty of plagiarism.You can find these references from the books present in your university library. You can also search on internet.Google search helps many students by providing them the previous written conclusions of the dissertation. You can also visit your department library to see the dissertations submitted by senior students. You may also be interested in our blog about writing dissertation titles.

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