We can work on Timber

1.Evaluate factors that make timber an attractive potential investment, particularly in a diversified portfolio context.
2.Explain political risks associated with investment in a for ign country and risk factors specific to timber.
3.Develop an appropriate risk-adjusted cost of capital.
4.Calculate relevant cash flows associated with the capital investment.
5.Use capital budgeting methodologies to evaluate the investment and calculate equivalent annual annuities to equate alternatives with different time horizons.
6.Conduct sensitivity and scenario analysis and identify key assumptions that drive results.

1.What makes timber an attractive potential investment?
2.What might explain why the efficient frontier shown in Figure 1 moves upward with the inclusion of timber assets in the portfolio?
3.Summarize the supply and demand conditions in the global timber markets. Can you think of any future threats that potentially could affect supply and/or demand?
4.Discuss the political and other risks associated with investing in Honduras. How will these risks affect the estimate of an appropriate cost of capital?
5.Estimate an appropriate cost of capital to use in valuing the teak plantation investment. Please be sure to include a discussion of how you propose to adjust your cost of capital estimate for political and other risks.
6.Given the many risks associated with this investment, it is difficult to accurately reflect the risk in the cost of capital estimate. What other approaches could be used to evaluate the investment and assess its risk?
7.Calculate the relevant cash flows for the teak plantation investment.
8.Given the project’s cash flows calculated above, compute the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and equivalent annual annuity (EAA) for the two proposed life cycles.
9.Identify the key drivers of the NPV analysis (i.e., conduct sensitivity and scenario analysis on the key variables).

Sample Solution

This paper will address the pertinence of Kohli’s announcement above to the discourse on the compelling correspondence with went with minors. The paper will initially characterize the expression “unaccompanied minors”. It will at that point give a meaning of correspondence, at that point recognize and look at its principle hypothetical viewpoints. The paper will unload the significance of Kholi’s citation by propelling an exchange of the significance of timing when working with unaccompanied minors and the complexities engaged with exploring the occasionally frightening and enthusiastic encounters of unaccompanied minors. The paper will likewise inspect the issue of quietness and how this mirrors a condition of being solidified in time with unaccompanied minors and will examine strategies for digging beneath these issues, in a convenient way while guaranteeing that the administration has a sense of security uncovering their regularly bolted away feelings. Every one of these components will be analyzed with regards to how correspondence can affect both the specialist and the administration client and how dealing with each factor successfully is basic to opening shrouded sentiments, feelings and injury from which unaccompanied minors may endure. The paper will attract on contemporary writing to experimentally ground its contentions. Both the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) characterizes unaccompanied as: “under 18 years old or under a nation’s lawful time of lion’s share, are isolated from the two guardians, and are not with and being thought about by a watchman or other grown-up who by law or custom is in charge of them. This incorporates minors who are with no grown-up consideration, minors who are completely without anyone else, minors who are with minor kin yet who, as a gathering, are unsupported by any grown-up in charge of them, and minors who are with casual non-permanent families.” (United Nations: 2007) All the more as of late, there have been a plenty of studies looking at the psychosocial and everyday needs after they touch base in Western nations. Correspondence is said to be a troublesome idea to bind by method for definition due to its numerous complexities, structures and application to everything. For the reasons for this paper, the definition given by Fiske (1990:2) that correspondence is “social cooperation through messages”, gives a decent beginning stage to look at the idea in connection to unaccompanied minors. Thompson (2003) battles that the social part of correspondence is crucial to consider on the grounds that people associate inside a social space and the idea of this correspondence manages the idea of a relationship or how that relationship creates or separates. Thompson (2003) explores different hypothetical model of correspondence by illustration on crafted by different researchers. He recognizes Shannon and Weaver’s 1949 meaning of correspondence which finds 3 components: The transmitter (individual who begins correspondence), commotion (the genuine message conveyed, and the collector (the individual who the message is imparted to). This definition has gotten abundant analysis for distorting a troublesome idea wherein correspondence isn’t constantly transmitted by clamor yet in addition through quietness and non-verbal communication. In tending to these exclusions, the semiotics model was progressed as an option. In this model, correspondence is portrayed by Cobley (2001) as a type of semiosis which is worried about the trading of any messages at all: from the atomic code and the immunological properties of cells entirely through to vocal sentences.” This definition presents different angles as opposed to the verbally expressed word into the correspondence talk and Miller (1973) verbalizes that “correspondence incorporates not just the investigation of spoken correspondence between individuals, yet in addition the numerous sorts of implicit correspondence that go on always when individuals interface.” In this regard, correspondence additionally envelops culture, since culture decides shared standards and qualities, language and eventually these standards influence how data is imparted or transmitted. Thompson (2003) draws on Pierre Bordieau’s idea of social capital dependent on the quality of intensity bases, to clarify how culture and power can interface to decide how data is comprehended and imparted, in light of the fact that it illuminates the semantics regarding language and the arrangement of personality. The recognizable proof of language as a conspicuous variable in any correspondence talk is unpreventable in light of the fact that as Thompson (2003) states, language does reflect reality, however it additionally builds reality. This reality is clarified when certain words or activities convey an errand, or certain activities impart satisfaction, misery or vulnerability, as is hypothesized by the discourse demonstration hypothesis. So also, personality is educated by social standards and values, and decides how people see themselves and how they identify with others. It is this association between culture, personality, language and power which advises the establishments regarding the discourse on how experts can slice through the troubles of intercultural correspondence obstructions to help more often than not damaged unaccompanied minors. Intercultural relational abilities in the social work discipline, is laden with challenges. Spouses (2000) keeps up that the different historical courses and accounts of professionals interacts in the social space of administration clients and can influence how data is correspondence dependent on how trust is encouraged when conveying to support clients that distinction will be acknowledged and not judged. Kohli (2006) deftly portrays the helpless unaccompanied tyke who touches base in another nation and who is hesitant about revealing subtleties to professionals. He, nearby different researchers (Kohli and Mather: 2003; Beek and Schofield: 2004) sees that unaccompanied youngsters frequently stay quiet, or sincerely shut about their past. He composes that such youngsters have more often than not been advised again and again by others to stay close-lipped regarding themselves so as to be careful. Kohli (2001, 2006, 2007) demands that it is basic that social work experts gain abilities that empower them to test the past of unaccompanied refuge kids, so as to really comprehend their needs. Kohli perceives that requests to meet targets looked by cutting edge professionals, may meddle with the time they have to construct trust and securely pry open the contemplations of unaccompanied minors. In light of this, the nature of their quiet and the effect their encounters may have had on them must be investigated, before tending to how social specialists should “time” their mediation to open correspondence and brief life narratives from unaccompanied minors. The quietness shown by unaccompanied minors ought not be promptly decreed to be on the grounds that they are covering up unsafe mysteries. Truth be told, researchers, for example, Finkenauer et al (2001), contends that the keeping of insider facts are ordinary youth formative qualities. Be that as it may, the writing on quiets among displaced person youngsters regularly indicates clarifications of dread and the hushing impacts of war on kids. Mental investigations (Melzak: 1992) battle that kids regularly cover extraordinary hurt, torment or misfortune so as to endure, some to the degree that they can overlook a few occasions or the grouping of occasions as a guard instrument. The danger of carrying on covered feelings in an unsafe manner, constrains numerous experts and researchers to contend for philosophies to open these accounts which as per Kohler’s citation, exhibited toward the start of this paper, might be in a “solidified condition of mental hypothermia”, wherein they can’t impart their concealed torment. Papadoupolos (2002) sets this solidified state could be intentionally forced to help with mending and might be important to permit influenced youngsters the space to reflect, understand and acknowledge before having the option to proceed onward effectively. Kohli (2006) along these lines sees this quiet as both “oppressive and defensive”, and it requires a dexterous professional to realize when to urge unaccompanied minors to open up. Krause (1997) and Rashid (1996) both caution against social laborers hurrying to decisions about unaccompanied minors dependent on their social foundations and what is thought about their nation of birthplace. Concentrating on authoritative targets and not the customers needs first, may bring about the expert missing the social settings of the minors’ encounters, inside explicit occasions and dangers improving complex data that might be transmitted without sufficient reflection on the correspondence experience extra time. So as to decide when it is suitable to incite for concealed data or stories from unaccompanied minors, social laborers must perceive that such kids might attempt be acknowledged inside another culture while experiencing a misfortune their own (Kohli and Mather: 2003). In this way, social specialists must be attentive and intelligent (Schön: 1987, 1983) to decide when a tyke is acclimatized enough and trusting of the professional administration client relationship to uncover any concealed accounts of their previous existences. Richman (1989) likewise reminds that numerous unaccompanied youngsters are exceptionally strong in light of their encounters and they might be caught up with attempting to make sense of their best course of action, or how to make due inside another condition and culture, or considering their refuge status, than they are keen on remembering past encounters which don’t in their estimation add to their present survival. Therefore, specialists are urged to participate in “restorative seeing” (Kohli and Mather: 2003) instead of wanting to wring past encounters from unaccompanied minors. In illustration on Blackwell and Melzak (2000), Kohli and Mather (2003: 206) states: “Fundamentally, laborers are asked not to progress toward becoming activity orientated assistants even with ‘refuse and slugs’, yet remain still enough to hold up under the agony of tuning in to accounts of incredible misfortune as they>

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