We can work on Theme: Employee’s Career Management

To what extent should the careers of employees be managed by A) the employee themselves B) the organisations that employ them.

Theme: Employee’s Career Management

Scope: Benefit of independent career on individuals and organizations  Task: To what extent should an organization control a person’s career path (should an employee’s career be managed by themselves or by the organization and what are the effects of both situations)

Sample Solution

Despite its advantages, a highly pressing issue that accompanies these remittances is the pressure it puts on economic inequalities within the source country. Migration in itself is a large investment, that only those who are relatively better off can make. This in turn means that remittances only reach the already well to do households, which increases the gap between the rich and the poor. Development activities fueled by remittances do provide greater employment, but this is rarely sufficient to narrow an already widening gap (Ratha). From the above discourse, stems certain socio-political consequences of migration. When oppressive political regimes and poor economic conditions overlap, emigration means the loss of those people who are affluent and have the influential positions in society. On the other hand, when these migrants return after receiving foreign education or understanding the economic and social systems of their host countries, they have the power of knowledge and new ideas. They can put this to use in their own countries by taking on new ventures and roles in top positions of governance. Over the course of the paper, the two most prominent economic impacts of migration have become more evident. Undoubtedly, it has fueled economic growth and opened several avenues for development. In several senses, it also creates a need for better infrastructure and institutions, enabling citizens to attain higher levels of education and access better amenities within their home countries. On the contrary, those countries in the most dire positions, and people grappling with grave poverty are the ones left worse off yet again. The question we are now faced with is— are current policy measures adequate in distributing the benefits of migration,>

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