We can work on The relationship between Law and Morality

  1. What is the relationship between Law and Morality? Give some example to show how they are distinct.
  2. List the 6 stages of moral development put forth by the moral psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.
  3. Describe Cultural Relativism, Descriptive Ethical Relativism, and Normative Ethical Relativism.
  4. Of the “several problems and criticisms” associated with the theory of normative ethical relativism, list and explain at least 3 of them.
  5. What is the difference between some having intrinsic and instrumental value?

Sample Solution

The Women’s March on Washington was an uncontrollably fruitful composed dissent development in the United States of America. The walk started as a dissent against the various strategies, proclamations, and comments President Donald J. Trump has made and bolstered that are sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, bigot, and rough. The walk happened on January 21, 2017, the day following the introduction of Donald Trump, with over a million members filling the boulevards of Washington D.C. The walks overflowed to different states and real urban areas, even globally, with assessments between 3.5 million to 5 million members over the globe denoting this the biggest single-day challenge in history to date (Moss and Maddrell, 14). Anyone paying little mind to sexuality, race, ethnicity, sex personality, and dis/capacity were welcome to walk in the event that they bolstered the thought that ladies’ privileges are human rights. All the more explicitly, the challenge was pushing for the rights, security, and enactment supporting ladies’ privileges, finishing viciousness and fierceness, conceptive rights, LGBTQIA rights, natural equity, racial balance, dis/capacity rights, opportunity of religion, and laborers’ privileges (womensmarch.com). The first aim and the pith of the walk was established in intersectional and comprehensive women’s activist convictions and practices, in any case, as the walk developed in ubiquity and size this significant angle lessened. Regardless of the first goal of intersectionality as a center principle of the development, the Women’s March on Washington received numerous standards and convictions set out by second-wave women’s activist hypotheses. The race of Donald J. Trump joined ladies and people over the United States and the globe as it was amazing how a person that had made such a large number of predatorial, sexist, supremacist, and obscene comments could be chosen for the most noteworthy office in government. His conduct and comments are forbidden and would have most people persevere through grave outcomes, nonetheless, in this episode the American open expelled his comments by remunerating him administration. It was this careful situation that had lighted resentment crosswise over people of all socioeconomics in the United States as this was viewed as terrible. The challenge was totally because of the race of Donald Trump, in any case, it is significant for it to be noticed that the walk was not a dissent exclusively against Trump but instead for support and solidarity in securing ladies’ privileges. For some, particularly favored white ladies, this was one of the main occasions they had felt direct separation and corruption so the solidarity and solidarity inside this development was educational, arousing, and amazing. It was this precise populace that involved an immense area of members and in this way their point of view assumed control over the walk by methods for social medias, promoting, trademarks, signs, and product. These people embraced a similar line of reasoning as advanced by second-wave women’s activist scholars Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, and Anne Koedt, which is the thing that moved the focal point of the challenge away from intersectional convictions. Second-Wave Feminism and White Women Simone de Beauvoir begat the essential conviction of second-wave women’s liberation in her book, The Second Sex, when she declared that ladies are ‘othered’ and externalized as society sees ladies as sub-par compared to men, anyway in fact, ladies are free and self-sufficient creatures that, as indicated by Beauvoir, “seek to full enrollment in mankind” (Beauvoir, 39-40). Her works exposed that the status of ladies in the public arena is badly established as ladies are no less competent than men in spite of female life structures and conceptive abilities or procedures. Betty Friedan worked off of Beauvoir’s decision by announcing that training and tyke raising isn’t the sole and pinnacle reason for ladies. Society prepared ladies by lauding womanliness, which was characterized by parenthood and marriage, which let ladies alone for advanced education and professions since they were viewed as bothersome (Frieda>

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