We can work on The Patient Perspective

The patient or patient advocate is often the first person to detect or suspect a problem with the care or treatment that the patient is receiving. In addition, he or she may have useful information about the onset of symptoms, previous medical history, or other details important for the healthcare provider to know. A patient who is active in his or her care improves the quality of that care and can protect his or her own safety.
In this Discussion, you will use scholarly resources to help you to formulate questions that patients (or patient advocates) might use to protect himself or herself. You will also discuss the concept of near miss and its importance for healthcare safety.
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the Learning Resources.
• Review the “Speak Up” materials and other Learning Resources. Speak Up videos are part of your required Learning Resources that were produced by The Joint Commission.
• Locate two scholarly resources from the Walden Library about the role of patients in protecting their own safety.
• Revisit the case study that you identified in Week 1.
By Day 4
Post a comprehensive explanation of the following:
Provide a brief description of the case study that you chose in Week 1.
• Using the “Speak Up” materials (located in this week’s learning resources) and the two scholarly resources that you have identified, suggest questions that the patient (or patient advocate) could have asked that might have prevented or minimized the harm that the patient suffered.
• Explain how the suggested questions by the patient (or patient advocate) might have influenced the outcome.
• Identify any possible barriers discouraging the patient or patient advocate from questioning the provider (barriers may include cultural, generational, or other issues).
• Discuss what is a near miss and the importance as a healthcare employee to report such incidents.
• Explain how tracking near miss information may improve quality and patient safety.

Sample Solution.

marketing and the effects it has on body image. The impact it has had has been massive as “Recent figures show that Instagram alone has a significant share of posts that belong to the fashion category.” (Khamhampati, 2014), the rise of society’s interest in other people’s lives has helped brands because they operate by dispersing the work of creating and engaging with images into consumers everyday lives. The up rise of the fashion blogger and social influencer as a job and career has had a major impact on fashion and the industry in general. The influencers have brought a new aspect to social media where people want to see what people are doing, what they are wearing and what make-up they should be using right now. Social media is now very popular. Fashion blogs have become a huge influence on today’s youth and the fashion industry. In more recent years YouTube has grown and ‘vlogging’ has become more popular. “The increasing pervasiveness of social media and digital technology has had a dramatic impact on the fashion industry and labour within fashion.” (Arriagada, 2016.) One impact that social media has had on the fashion industry is that social influencers haven been able to promote brands and make them more popular by appealing to their audience, allowing trends, brands and even activities to be promoted over a wider audience. Blogs are the new editors and Instagram is seen as the new runways where people will go to find fashion inspiration on a daily basis. Wessingers (2007) found that “before Instagram had dedicated advertising tools they worked with influencers and consumers to circulate images of their bodies, lives and cultural practices.” therefore before blogging and vlogging became a job these images and posts where part of the digital labour that occurs on social media as these influencers would not have been getting paid but would have still been promoting brands and their products. This highlights how blogging and social media have changed in recent years.>

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