We can work on The megaliths of England and Northern France with those of Malta.

Compare the megaliths of England and Northern France with those of Malta. Suppose you see a broadcast on public television in which a historian postulates that one of the two groups borrowed the idea of megalith building from the other, would you support or challenge this theory? Why?

Sample Solution

trict in Madhya Pradesh (n=80), Simdega district in Jharkhand (n=73) and Sundergarh district in Odisha (n=72). The patients with Pf mono-infection, fulfilling inclusion criteria (WHO criteria, 2009) were enrolled in the study. Written and oral consent was obtained from each enrolled participant. Finger prick blood samples were used for identification and counting parasite density on day 0. Before the initiating the antimalarial drug treatment, three hanging blood drops on 3Chr Whatman filter paper and 100”l blood on 31ET filter paper for analyzing dhps gene mutation and estimating residual antimalarial or SDX level on day 7 respectively, was collected from each enrolled patient. The collected dried blood spot (DBS) papers were placed in zipper pouch and kept in desiccator till analysis. The patients were treated with ACT (AS+SP) according to National Drug Policy on Malaria after blood collection. The study was approved from Institutional Ethics Committee, National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR), New Delhi. HPLC analysis Baseline blood samples (day 0) collected from patients reporting no antimalarial intake prior to the study were screened for the presence of five antimalarial drugs such as CQ, SDX, PYR, QN and MQ using a modified HPLC method(Blessborn et al. 2010) . The level of partner drug (SDX) of AS+SP was also determined on day 7. Extraction of the standard drugs (CQ, QN, SDX, PYR and MQ; Sigma Aldrich, USA), blank whole blood spot (control sample) and each of the collected samples were carried out according to the protocol of Blessborn et al., 2010, with slight modification. This involved the use of multi-mode solid phase extraction column (M-M SPE, Biotage, USA) and elution of the samples by methanol:triethylamine (97:3 v/v) mixture. Eluates were dried under a gentle stream of air at 70”C and were then dissolved in 100 ”l of methanol:HCl (0.01 M) 10:90 v/v. Twenty microliter (20 ”l) of each of these standards and samples were injected into the HPLC system. HPLC was performed on a Hitachi gradient system equipped with bi>

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