We can work on The Impact of Media and Technology on Sociology a Topic Brainstorm Essay – Assignment Help

Help me study for my Social Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Formatting Reminders:

All paper assignments should use 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri font. Assignments should be doubled-spaced. For instances where you need to cite, use APA formatting for your citations.


Assignment Description:

This assignment is in place to ensure that you have a viable topic for the final paper. You should turn in a one-page discussion of a topic related to course material that you would like to write about. This should be a very general overview of something you hope to write about.

In addition to this discussion, please submit the citation information (e.g., author name(s), year published, article title, journal name) for two potential sources that relate to your topic idea. The sources should be published since 2005, but if you can find more recent work, that is best. APA is not required yet, but this is a good time to practice.

At the end of the assignment, please provide three questions or concerns about things you are unsure of in the course (e.g., anything that is unclear about a literature review, what counts as a topic, concerns about writing).

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