We can work on The frustration-aggression hypothesis

Describe the frustration-aggression hypothesis and the symbolic interactionist theory of prejudice​.

Sample Solution

4.1.2 Vulnerability 2: 4.2 The fundamental distinction between abuse of law and abuse of rights In the context of taxation, the CJEU has defined “abuse” as a form of tax minimisation, which through misuse of legal forms achieves a result which is not in compliance with system principles. This means that though tax abuse and tax avoidance are related, they do not coincide. At this juncture, it is important to note that both abuse of rights and abuse of law are not necessarily the same. Generally speaking, abuse of law indicates abuse in Union law, whereas abuse of rights indicates abuse of Union law. The former may be defined as a situation where a person relies on a European legal right to circumvent or displace national law, while taking advantage of a right in European law, but in a manner running contrary to its spirit constitutes the latter. In 2006, the CJEU extended the abuse of law principle in the Halifax to apply to the field of VAT. The abstract distinction between both abuse of law and abuse of rights is based on a dictum from Centros, where it was provided that abuse of law involves avoiding national provisions through claiming fundamental freedoms, whereas abuse of rights involves abusing rights directly provided by E>

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