We can work on The differences between traditional economics and ecological economics;

Write at least 2 page summary of the two handouts sent to you on Ecological Economics. State what are the differences between traditional economics and ecological economics; and why ecological economics is important. Explain using concrete examples. Each of the ideas summarized will need a source

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morally justified in choosing to not intervene in the Rohingya crisis. The paper hypothesises that the international community is not justified and this will be argued specifically through evaluating the problems that arises from sovereignty in intervention, and the denial of rights to the stateless Rohingyas. Literature review The primary aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate the factors that justify the extent that states can be morally justified in their failure to respond to their obligations to promote and protect the rights of citizens within their own borders and those beyond in accordance to the R2P doctrine. Many theories surrounding the moral justifiability of intervention suggests that intervention is almost always not justified, this section will thus attempt to uncover and critically review whether this statement holds. When we speak of intervention, it concerns of military intervention through coercive and forceful means, a concept which seemingly juxtaposes the humanitarian purposes of rescuing victims of tyranny that it has desired to achieve with the use of force, a power that can easily be abused by external forces. As a result, it is difficult to determine the exact moral weight of pursuing intervention. Humanitarian military intervention has been defined as the “forceful reactions to circumstances when the violation of human rights within a set of boundaries is so terrible that it makes talk of community or self-determination or ‘arduous struggle’ seem so cynical and irrelevant, that is, in cases of enslavement or massacre” (Davidovic, 2008). Many commentators criticise the inconsistency of using humanitarian intervention to tackle these violations to human rights due to the very fact that the same states that produce frameworks to create moral obligations in intervening in another state’s domestic affairs and breach its sovereignty are the same states that either fail to address violations to human rights due to political costs or fail to act in timely fashion to de-escalate the conflict. a. Sovereignty There is a strong lack of consensus within existing academic literature regarding humanitarian intervention and R2P, where its usage has alluded to the mishandling of responding to conflict, setting further bad examples of its implementation. While the just war theory on intervention attempts to determine the cases for which wars can be justified with the use of force as a pre-emptive measure, the R2P doctrine merely outlines ways in which states must undertake preventive m>

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