We can work on The concept of voice within a political and social context

Critically analyse the concept of voice within a political and social context

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Christian churches running orphanages and care of children in institutional settings. According to Liddell (1993) this was the main response especially in NSW which experience an increase in numbers of abandoned and neglected children as a result of the gold rush period and the growing population . In the late 19th century, we saw the establishment of a Children’s Court, the development of child protection legislation and the rise of what is referred to as the “child rescue” movement (CFCA, 2015). This movement underpinning ideology consisted of the belief that parents had a moral responsibility to care for their children that parents were expected to assume. The ideology behind this movement sadly was later responsible for the development of very detrimental intervention policies that have become known as the “Stolen Generations” removing Indigenous children from their families. This was an early example of policy taking a wrong course of action and an example of colonialism at work impacting on families, in this case, Indigenous children and families through legislation and policy. By the 1950s, we began to see a different response from government assuming more responsibility and increasing its use of legislative power to enforce adequate standards of care. We saw the closing of many large institutions and the establishment of smaller residential facilities for children in need of care and protection (Tomison, 2001, p.48). The ideology behind this child protection reforms Harris (2003) explained that was driven by a more overarching business discourse to increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of services . In the 1960’s we saw the rise of what is known as the second wave of the child “rescue movement” driven by research professionals such as Dr Henry Kempe who introduced the concept of the “battered- child syndrome” providing medical evidence of physical injuries of abuse by the family and other care givers. (CFCA, 2015). Laws also began to change at around this time, making it a legal obligation for he>

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