We can work on The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

Thompson Ch. 9 outlines a series of ways in which it is possible to make “The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices” (see pages 207-209.)

  1. Apply this material to your own healthcare organization and discuss what the organization is currently doing in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices. Be sure to highlight how current practices in those areas circle back to yield benefits for the organization, including impacts on bottom line performance, directly or indirectly
  2. If you were in charge of the organization, what additional practices would you implement in order to enhance Corporate Social Responsibility and/or Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices, and how would these practices also yield benefits for the organization, including direct and/or indirect impacts on the bottom line?

Sample Solution

Diversification is the process of allocating capital in away that reduces the exposure to anyone particular asset or risk. A common path towards diversification is to reduce risk or volatility by investing in variety of assets. It helps to avoid disasters investment outcome.This approach helps to reduce the risk without necessarily decreasing the expected rate of return which means it provides equivalent expected return with lower over all volatility. Equally weighted portfolio return and randomly selected security returns are the same but with standard deviation is far lesser in an equally weighted portfolio.This is due to the portfolio correlation and interaction between different securities in the portfolio. Diversification Ratio = Standard Deviation of Equally weighted portfolio / Standard deviation of randomly Selected Security Portfolio help to avoid the effect of downside risk associated with investing in a single security . Selection of optimal portfolio are done by examining additional combination the same set of shares in different proportions and then observe the risk return trade -off for each of those combinations and then select the portfolio based on the best combination of the risk and return. However, Portfolio diversification not necessarily offers dow>

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