We can work on SWK 3375 Troy University Who Am I Essay – Assignment Help

I’m stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation.

You will notice that I talk about birth order and birth order displays on the power point as part of the assignment. You are not required to address birth order unless you desire to do so. I changed this part of the directions, but kept the information in the lecture because it is valuable information! Birth order was covered in Critical Thinking #1.

Read the following 4 articles then address the “WHO AM I” assignment.The links may not work so I uploaded the documents

LinkPreview the documentSWK 3375 – Socialization article-Maheshwari,Ph.D..docxPreview the document

SWK 3375 – INSTITUTIONAL DISCRIMINATION-2.docxPreview the document

CT II Article 4 – Individual:Institutional:Structional Discrimination-1.docxPreview the document

CT II – Who Am I instructions-1.docPreview the document

Please read all directions carefully and look through all the documents. It will give specific directions in them

Please be aware that you do not need address “Birth Order” in this assignment. Birth order is addressed on side #2. I did not omit from the slide because good information in provided in the audio portion regarding the influence of birth order.

The written directions are broken into 9 topics. You are to use the written directions when completing this assignment. The audio is available to provide clarity and direction regarding the topics. It may help to have the directions in hand when listening to the powerpoint.

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