We can work on SWK 3320 Troy University Conflict Resolution Essay – Assignment Help

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Look at this from asocial workers view. Also, Please make sure to use the book pages where instructed.

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Week 5

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Labeling Theory – Page 549

According to the Labeling theory, and the Interactionist perspective, labels can become self-fulfilling. If a person is labeled with negative attributes, they risk believing that these attributes are true, and may face an undesirable declining trajectory. In the case scenario below, you will meet a young girl named Pia. You will see that Pia’s parents are approaching a tough situation in a negative manner. This negative approach is cultivating Pia’s self-concept and beliefs.

After reading the case scenario provided below, address “a” and “b”.

Case Scenario

You are a social worker and Pia, an eighteen-year-old senior, has been referred to see you. Pia is scheduled to graduate in two months, however, Pia’s instructors have reported a drop in her grades, and a sudden change in her demeanor. You are aware that if Pia’s grades continue to decline she runs the risk of not meeting graduation requirements. Historically, Pia excelled in high school and was a star athlete. She was known to be a reliable motivated hard worker. She was a determined leader and had goals of attending college.

During meeting #1, Pia reports that she is 6 weeks pregnant, and plans to marry her 19-year-old boyfriend. Pia reports that she has been forbidden to see her boyfriend, and her parents are not interested in what he or his parents have to say. Pia reports that her parents are furious, disgraced, embarrassed and have told her numerous times that she has been selfish, disrespectful, a failure, and has tarnished the family name. Pia reports that she understands that she is a failure and is ready to drop out of school.

According to the labeling theory, Pia’s parents have the ability to negatively impact Pia due to the consequences that are associated with labeling, as well as self-fulfilling prophecies.

You are preparing for meeting #2 with Pia and her parents.

a). You are to select and explain at least 3 positive attributes that Pia has in order to point out her strengths and build her self-esteem. (1.50)

Why is this important? (.50 points)

(Examples of positive attributes are in module 5.)

b). Meeting #2 has been scheduled and Pia’s parents will be joining this meeting.

After reading “Conflict Resolution Strategies”, beginning on page 559, select 3 strategies that you plan to utilize with this family. You are to explain your goals and why you have selected these approaches. (2.25 pts.)

Did you know…

“Conflicts produce lively discussions. When constructively handled, conflicts motivate the people involved to define issues more sharply, to search harder for resolution strategies, and to work harder in implementing solutions. Conflict, when handled effectively, can also lead to greater commitment to the relationship of people involved, raise morale, and increase communication and cooperation. Successful resolution of conflict can lead to: personal growth and facilitate innovation and creativity.

Ineffective management of conflict can lead to deterioration of rapport between the people involved, distrust, and perhaps alienation and burnout.” (Pg. 559)

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