We can work on SW 361 SDSU Cultural Diversity on Social Stratification Essay – Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.

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The entire journal entry must be submitted via Turnitin. Journal entries will be the student’s
responses to class materials such as readings, videos, and class discussions and will be 1-2 pages
in length in APA format. Students may also journal regarding other issues encountered that
relate to course materials. This includes, but is not limited to news reports, newspaper articles,
material from other courses, movies, or personal experiences. Each of the specific topic areas of
(a) cultural diversity and/or cultural values, (b) social work ethics, and (c) empirically based
social work practice must be addressed in separate journal entries. These entries will account for
three of the five entries. The remaining two entries may be on any topic chosen by the student.

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