We can work on Supportive Submission

Create a detailed outline for your disease presentation. You should review the grading rubric (provided in week
8) and make sure to cover all major requirements. Include 3-5 major bullet points and several supporting areas
of discussion for each requirement. Your outline should indicate which sources beyond your textbook (at least
5) you plan to use within each section. I have included a skeleton outline below that you can use to fill in with
details from your specific topic and research. Also, feel free to use an outline of your own making/choosing.
A. Introduction

  1. Thesis statement: (actually write it out)
  2. Main issues
    B. Pathophysiology and Etiology
    C. Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
    D. Screening
  3. Recognition techniques
  4. The potential impact on health and wellness
    E. Education and Prevention
  5. Recommendations and application to the field of public health
  6. Resources needed
    F. Conclusion
    G. References

Sample Solution

A Folk Legend: Bob Dylan “My companion blows the appropriate response in the breeze, and the appropriate response is spreading in the breeze.” These well known verses are the explanations behind supporting the social liberties development through melodic conclusion. Sway Dylan bolsters the improvement of the social liberties development in different manners. He composed a tune about social equality, beat the passings during the social liberties development, and supported it up as a public individual. Bounce Dylan was conceived in Duluth, Minnesota on May 24, 1941. He was brought into the world under the name Robert Allen Zimmerman, later played a society tune at a nearby bistro on the University of Minnesota grounds, later turned into a pen name Dylan. (Bio) He was solicited the name from Ten O. Legends Bob Dylan sings for social equity, yet in addition can cut iron into lovely works. For a long time, Dylan turned out to be very well with the craftsmanship of his work in a few exhibitions in New York. As per performers, he got a propensity for reprocessing the waste metal to make it more important for AKA Hibbing, “I am becoming huge in iron mineral nations” in Minnesota. This is clearly that Dylan has consistently taken his feelings. So as to defeat the weight of the bustling vacationer list, Beyoncé often depended on the most energizing game in the city – Connection 4. For subtleties, don’t miss a VIP of 30 horrendous positions before getting renowned In July 1965, Bob Dylan, the best society vocalist of his age, left the stage and was attempting to capitalize on his profession. For 20,000 common idealists, Bob is their legend, a prophet, and a baffling artist. At the point when he associates his Fender Stratocaster, they are shaken towards the center, the volume rises and it turns into an electric adaptation of Maggie Farm. I feel they are double-crossed when they are remaining there. Their blood is bubbling, trailed by wheezing and scorn. Did Diran intercourse him? No, he will keep on playing. This is a man who slapped him by breaking the conventional people names. Dylan covertly didn’t meddle furtively by opening the entryway, yet blew the entryway of blood. It is no mishap that he decided to open a set and pronounce freedom from Magee’s homestead This tune is frequently deciphered as a severe nature of society music scenes. Reason: This is the primary electronic music collection from Bob Dylan. One side of the collection is electric and the opposite side is sound. After ‘addition’ at the Newport Folk Art Festival, the fans were troubled, they thought Bob Dylan was sold out. Exciting music is viewed as sold out, individuals who have heard it are viewed as unattractive, music and verses are viewed as indecent and unseemly. Sway Dylan changed how individuals see awesome music. He demonstrated to them that the stone verses are lovely as well as that everybody can do what they need.>

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