We can work on Strategic thinking, framing and re framing

Chapter 14 takes a dramaturgical perspective. In it, the authors view organizations as akin to theater companies that seek to please by staging the dramas their audiences expect. Many activities and processes in organizations – such as evaluation and strategic planning – rarely achieve supposed goals yet are remarkably persistent because they project vital messages that audiences want to hear.” Discuss ways that framing and reframing can help organizations realize those goals.

Sample Solution

Belzer (2004) discussed the importance of Communication skills for the project managers. According to him, Communication skills are one of the mandatory skills for the project managers and they should have the ability to express the ideas clearly with their team members for the successful execution of the project. Jerome Kanter and John J. Walsh mentioned in their article that Lack of communication with management is the main reason for project failure. Several workshop attendees referred to the lack of communication within management — “what the project manager tells the functional manager, what the functional manager says, and what senior management hears appear to be different.” A major problem was that people were afraid to upset the VP by disagreeing with proposed completion dates. Communication with the contract programmers was also cited as a problem area. After a workshop, they mentioned Know and respond to the “real” status of the project. “Shooting the messenger” is counter-productive to open communication. Management must encourage honest feedback through the management chain. The system must accurately report project status, identify problems, and assign accountability for problem resolution. T.J. Bond-Barnard1* & H. Steyn2 (2013) mentioned that one of the most important and most frequently-mentioned challenges to program management is that of communication between project team members Pinto & Pinto and Pinto & Covin explain that effective communication between team members is very important in a project, as this communication fosters cooperation between the team members, which is so vital to project success. Communication in a program or project environment is defined as the transfer of information between the program or project stakeholders; it involves a person or entity transmitting a message, and another person or entity receiving and successfully understanding the message in response [9]. Cross-functional communication in a program occurs am>

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