We can work on Southeastern University Eriksons Theory of Development Summary Chart – Assignment Help

This module you are going to explore Erikson’s stages throughout the life of a person. To do this, choose a person that you can interview who is over the age of 65. During this interview you are going to ask them about their experiences at each of Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. Prior to the interview, you should write a set of questions that will clearly help you to determine the outcome of Erikson’s crisis at each stage of their life. 

Upon completion, you should complete the attached chart and write a 300- to 500-word reflection covering the following points:

  • How evident was Erikson’s stages in the interviewee’s life?
  • Based on your interview, did you find support for Erikson’s theory of development?
  • What were some of the key events from a psychosocial perspective that have influenced the personality development of your interviewee?
  • After reading about Erikson’s stages in your text as well as the insights you gained from your interview, what recommendations would you make to parents to help their child successfully develop from a psychosocial perspective?

Directions for completing the chart:

  • Column 3: Summary of the conflict. Here you will define both possible outcomes at each stage. For example, how are trust and mistrust defined in Erikson’s first stage?
  • Column 4: Outcome of the conflict. Based on what you heard from the interviewee, what was their outcome for each stage? For example, did they move out of the first stage in a state of trust or mistrust? Here you will simply list trust or mistrust in the column, and so on.
  • Column 5: Evidence of outcome. Here you will support the conclusion you drew in Column 4 with evidence form the person’s life gained from the interview. For example, what information did you receive from the interviewee that led you to choose the outcome of trust in Column 4? 

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