We can work on “Song of Myself”

Whitman’s poem “Song of Myself” is arguably his most famous work and it revolutionized poetry. It’s free form, use of repetition and lists, and focus on the minute or overlooked subjects made it very different from the poetry of its time and greatly influenced those to come. Make sure your read the beginning of the poem and the end (those are my favorite parts) and then browse the rest of the poem.

Sample Solution

sure of psychopathy show that having an “increase callosal volume was significantly associated with blunted affect, lack of remorse, no close friends, lack of social closeness, and reduced spatial ability” (Raine et al.). When looking at the structural abnormality in psychopathic antisocial individuals and understanding the relationship between the Big 5 and their risk factors for such behavior show that there is an account for a link between psychopathy and callosal structure and function (Raine et al.). Brain Scans and their Relationship to Criminal Behavior: Assessing the neuropsychological measures through the use of fMRI demonstrates the ability to predict future antisocial behavior based upon “impulsivity, behavioral disinhibition and the lack of restraint and consideration of consequences” (Aharoni et al.). A study presented by Aharoni et al. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked into the portion of the brain that deals with regulating behavior and impulsivity from criminal offenders to understand whether there are predictive brain functioning that may or may not lead to reoffending (Aharoni et al.). This area of the brain is known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The results of the study showed that criminals who reoffended were more likely to have lower activity seen in the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain (Aharoni et al.). The anterior cingulate cortex is associated with error processing, conflict monitoring, response selection, and avoidance learning. Seen on an MRI, the anterior cingulate cortex may give an explanation as to why that part of the brain may not be working correctly and gives a deeper understanding as to who is more likely to demonstrate impulsive behaviors that could lead to re-arrest (Aharoni et al.).>

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