We can work on Solution for health issues

Find solution for health issues like COPD and other lung diseases in Glendale community related to smocking

a.Provide an introduction to identified health concern/problem (identified health concern in Glendale community is COPD and lung diseases caused by smocking) ? What is the community setting and population?(glendale community)

b.Provide supportive data from assessment of community, including at least TWO reputable statistical references from community to support your identified concern.

c.Describe your plan/project you did to assist with the health concern/problem for your community. (this is very important)

d.Include at least FOUR literature reviews to support the plan you are developing which is current (within the last five years).a.

e.Describe how you will plan on evaluating this plan in measurable goals (these goals should be nursing goals that are measurable)

Sample Solution

Positive word of mouth experiences comes from tourists that have had an experience with a destination that has either matched or well exceed their expectations . These individuals will be most likely to speak highly about it to friends and family (Litvin et al, 2008) immediately after they return from their holiday thus resulting in the perception that the destination is of high quality and will meet or even exceed the expectations of potential visitors hence highlighting the fact that word of mouth recommendations do in fact impact on the decision making process. However if the tourist has a negative experience of the destination they will be like to prescribe a negative word of mouth account of their experience to friends and family thus creating a negative image of that destination in the minds of potential holiday makers ultimately forcing them away from choosing that destination. In summary word of mouth recommendation are heavily based on the perceived image an individual has of a destination and whether the destination has proven to be a worthy choice and has exceeded the expectation of the individual. If so, the individual will be more than likely to provide a positive WOM recommendation to his or her friends and family. Going by the existing literature proving these word of mouth recommendations shared by close friends and family members have a high trust rate, it is safe to assume that they bare a large impact on the travel based decision of individuals 2.6 The internet and Electronic word of mouth recommendations.>

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