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Respond to at least two different colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Provide a constructive critique of your colleague’s post. Offer different perspectives on the factors influencing illness with regard to the course of illness.

Ask a probing question about why the factors your colleague posted are important.

Analyze your colleague’s post and expand on the post with additional services social workers might provide to the illness course your colleague selected.

Use References

DB 1


A description of the two factors selected

I selected depression and anxiety. These are prevalent and realistic factors that play a role in a patient’s emotional and psychological response to illness. A patient constructs. Cognitive representation of his or her illness that guides behavior aimed at managing the illness (Petrie & Weinman, 2012). A patient’s belief about their illness and symptoms affects their mental health. The illness can control their mindset, ability to self motivate, and their perception of themselves and their worth. Depression can occur when the patient has learned of their illness and it interrupts their lifestyle tremendously. A patient can deal with depression on and off throughout their treatment. They may feel highs and lows through the day and experience moments of hope that they will thrive, then feel moments of hopelessness. A patient can also suffer from anxiety causing them to constantly worry about their diagnosis and what’s next. We can find ways for our patients to deal withanxiety and depression.

Explain how these factors might present themselves during at least two stages during the course of illness

Depression and anxietycan present itself in behavior and attitude. When a patient first finds out their diagnosis, depression and anxiety can be very difficult to control. The patient may feel in denial and hopeless like there is no hope for them. Depression would be presented in lack of appetite, loss of sleep or sleeping too much, loss of focus, moments of anger and snappiness, and sadness. Anxiety may present itself as anxious, repeatedly asking questions hoping answers change, constantly worrying, loss of appetite, palpitations, and physical withdrawal from activity. During the discharge stage, the patient may feel depressed and experience anxiety due to having to care for themselves and deal with daily life with the diagnosis. They may feel like they can’t handle it.

Explain how a medical social worker might intervene to ensure that the patient receives the services he or she needs to cope best during each of these stages

Healthcare interventions based around changing patients’ perceptions have considerable promise but there is much work to do before that promise is realized (Petrie & Weinman, 2012). I would make sure that my patient receives the best possible treatment with their depression and anxiety. This means I would have to research the availability of programs in their area and reference them to these places. I would also conduct a wellness check just to see how they are coping with the depression and anxiety. Time and communication often works but some do need medicine and I will do my best to provide the resources to the patient to determine what route is best for them.

Petrie, K. J., & Weinman, J. (2012). Patients’ perceptions of their illness: The dynamo of voliti

DB 2—


Post a description of the two factors you selected. Explain how these factors influence illness and a patient’s life beyond his or her family.

When a patient is ill, not only is their health affected, but their day to day living is also affected in various ways. An illness can cause emotional and psychological responses that are not typical. Factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, isolation, and feelings of powerlessness or hopelessness can contribute to these responses. Depression can influence illness and a patient’s life beyond his or her family because it creates additional emotional and psychological emotions for them. Feelings of hopelessness come frombeing unable to care for oneself. An ill individual can also feel hopeless about the unknown of what the future brings due to their illness. These feelings can cause a patient to give up on getting well, which could mentally affect their desire or ability to cope.

Then, explain how these factors might present themselves during at least two stages during the course of illness.

While there are various stages that ill patients deal with during illness, depression and feelings of hopelessness may present themselves during multiple stages. An ill individual may feel depressed about the limitations imposed by the illness (Lawrence, 2012, pg. 21). They may feel guilty about the demand their illness creates for the family (Lawrence, 2012, pg. 21). An ill individual may have feelings of hopelessness because of their need to depend on healthy family members and the threat of losing their independence (Lawrence, 2012).

Finally, explain how a medical social worker might intervene to ensure that the patient receives the services he or she needs to cope best during each of these stages.

Coping with emotional and psychological factors can be challenging. A medical social worker can ensure that the patient receives the services they need to cope by encouraging the family to support each other (Lawrence, 2012). “Family members should communicate constructively about the illness and treatment. They should use active and empathic listening skills and consider other family members’ perspectives” (Lawrence, 2012, pg. 22).

A medical social worker could encourage a patient to utilize outside support. Although your family is normally your largest support system, it is great to have others who can be of support if necessary. Encouraging the family to integrate an illness into a daily routine is a great way to promote healthy coping skills. It is important for the sick individual to be open to accepting an illness and learning to deal with it as opposed to avoiding it.


Lawrence, E. (2012). The impact of chronic illness on the family. Retrieved from http://www.igliving.com/magazine/articles/IGL_2012…

Petrie, K. J., & Weinman, J. (2012). Patients’ perceptions of their illness: The dynamo of volition in health care. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(1), 60– 65.

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