We can work on Social work practice, that has general social importance.

Select a topic, preferably from social work practice, that has general social importance.

  1. Discuss the history or genesis of the ethical dilemma and, if applicable, the values underlying the topic from the perspectives of society, the profession, religion, the agency, the client, and your own.
  2. Present a case in which the social worker is in conflict with the family, agency, colleagues, group, or community over this ethical dilemma. Describe the specific conflict situation.
  3. Present the ethical dilemma in one or two sentences.
  4. Utilizing either the Ethical Justification Model of Beauchamp & Childress or Mattison’s Model apply the model to your case. Begin with the background information
  5. Identify any value conflicts that may be present in the ethical dilemma.
  6. Identify ethical principles and theories as they pertain to the ethical dilemma.
  7. Identify possible courses of action and the benefits/costs and possible outcomes of each..
  8. Make the decision/resolution and explain how and why you arrived at that decision.
  9. Discuss how your personal values entered into the decision-making process.
  10. Throughout the paper, cite at least 4-5 relevant sources from literature on the topic and on the value and ethical considerations.

Sample Solution

ied in the governess’s arms after seeing Peter Quint, the author just ended abruptly with the death and did not conclude with any further explanations regarding what happened with Mrs. Grose and Flora as well as the feelings of the governess after the death. The plot should have ended with information on what happened after Miles’s death including how the news was delivered to Mrs. Grose and Flora as well as how the governess felt afterward. This gives the readers closure as to how the death affected all the other characters. In addition, the ending would have been more satisfactory if the letter to the employer was sent and readers have the opportunity to see how the employer would have reacted to Miles’s death. Memorable lines/scenes (minimum of 6 lines-3 for A, 3 for B) Memorable lines from the book that you liked or that illustrated important ideas in the work. “‘Think me–for a change–bad!’ I shall never forget the sweetness and gaiety with which he brought out the word, nor how, on top of it, he bent forward and kissed me. It was practically the end of everything. I met his kiss and I had to make, while I folded him for a minute in my arms, the most stupendous effort not to cry.’” (James 46) What makes this line so important is that it summarizes the main idea that is prevalent throughout the story: that the governess adores Miles to the point of disregarding any odd situation he creates. Ever since from the beginning of the book, there has been this unrequited and excessive adoration for both Miles and Flora that was instantly born from the governess. The whole phenomenon of it is questionable and entirely odd: why are they so lovable? Why does she have such a strong and one-sided love for these children? For what reasons is her infatuation there? and many questions of the like. James leaves the reasons behind her infatuation ambiguous to his readers, which adds to the intensity in which his readers can interpret the governess’ love for the children. The quote reinforces the idea of how the governess can so easily discount Miles’ concerning explanation for being mischievous and melt in his loveliness just because she adores him that much, and it adds to the overall slightly uncomfortable and mysterious mood that shrouds the book. “… she was hideously hard; she had turned common and almost ugly. ‘I don’t know what you mean. I see nobody. I see nothing. I never have. I think you are cruel. I don’t like you! … Take me away- oh take me away from her!” (James 199). This quotation is a crucial turning point in the novel since it reveals that the apparitions of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel are most likely just the hallucinations of the governess. Throughout the novel, the governess had constantly insisted that the children were able to see the ghosts the entire time and were only refusing to reveal this fact, however, this scene disproves her claim greatly. >

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