We can work on SOC 445 GCU Code of Ethics of National Association of Social Workers Discussion – Assignment Help

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Complete the “Ethics in Social Work” worksheet using the NASW Code of Ethics to justify your responses. Be sure to cite the specific sections of the code utilized in each scenario in APA format.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Topic 2: Ethics in Social Work Worksheet

Directions: Complete the “Ethics in Social Work” worksheet using the NASW Code of Ethics to justify your responses. Be sure to cite the specific section(s) of the code utilized in each scenario.

Scenario 1:

A representative from “Canyon Smiles” dentist’s office comes to your agency to make a presentation about their services. You are surprised to see Bethanie; an old friend from high school is now working for “Canyon Smiles” and will be the one making the presentation. During the presentation you learn the dentist’s office recently opened a new location that is really close to your house. This is important because you predominately work from home so this location would work best for you. Everyone in the office very gets excited when Bethanie tells them: “Every case manager, who brings in a new client, will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new IPad! Don’t worry, she says, it is perfectly legal!” At the end of the meeting Bethanie pulls you aside and ask if you want to go lunch and catch up!

In 200-300 words, explain all the ethical situations that may arise out of the above scenario. Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your explanation. Also, explain what else you could do to clarify ethical dilemmas in this situation that are not clear in the code of ethics.

Scenario 1 Response:

Scenario 2(a):

You are shopping one Sunday afternoon at one of your favorite stores when you run into a current client of yours. After some simple chit-chat, about the store’s “special” that day, your client asks if you want to head on over to the food court to have lunch. You need to eat and was actually thinking about going over to the food court yourself, before your client mentioned it.

In 100-150 words, Explain what you would do as Case Manager and why? Make sure to cite the N.A.S.W Code of Ethics in your response.

Scenario 2(a) Response:

Scenario 2(b):

You are shopping one Sunday afternoon at one of your favorite stores and you run into an old client of yours. After some simple chit-chat about the store’s “special” that day, and how well they are doing at their new job, the client asks if you want to head on over to the food court to have lunch. You need to eat and was actually thinking about going over to the food court yourself, before your client mentioned it.

In 100-150 words, Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your response.

Scenario 2(b) Response:

Scenario 3:

After graduating from college, you apply for and are offered a program manager position with a social service agency. Your primary responsibility is to develop a volunteer program that includes increasing donations & volunteerism for your clients and your program. One week into your new job, you learn the program only has one volunteer group, that is part of a church, but they are on hiatus because of a bad experience between them, clients, and the agency. Wanting to repaper this damaged relationship you invite the members of the group into the office to discuss the situation and a plan for going forward. During the meeting you learn that the leader of the group does not believe “everyone” in the group needs to poses a valid DPS Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card because he has one and he can vouch for everyone else in the group. The policy of the agency is that every volunteer, who interacts with clients more than one time, is required to possess a valid DPS Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card.

The leader of the group fears the card requirement will discourage volunteers from staying in/ joining the group because the cards cost $65 dollars each! The leader is unsure if he wants the group to continue because it is always hard to find volunteers willing to pay the $65 for the clearance card. This group’s church donates $5,000 to your program every year. They sponsor your programs largest donation drive every year! In addition, the time they spend with your clients is given a monetary value and then matched by another donor source. In short, this group is the single largest private contributor to your program.

In 200-300 words, explain all the ethical situations that may arise out of the above scenario. Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your explanation. Also, explain what else you could do to clarify ethical dilemmas in this situation that are not clear in the code of ethics.

Scenario 3 Response:


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